Kenyatta Calls for Vigilance on Roads in His Christmas Message to Kenyans

25 December 2023

Nairobi — Retired president Uhuru Kenyatta has called on kenyans to be cautious on the roads during this festive season.

The former head of state in his christmas message shared on his official X app account reminded kenyans to maintain high safety standards while on the roads to avert road carnages that have been on an upward trajectory recently.

"Let us all be responsible during this festive season more so on our roads. "Better arrive late than never" and be mindful of other road users,"read the sratement by the former head of state.

Uhuru further seized the moment to implore kenyans to maintain cohesiveness and shun divisiveness in a bid to make kenya great.

"Kenya our motherland is home to many; different faiths, tribes and a people of diverse backgrounds. It is this recognition that should give us the impetus to pull our strengths together and strive to make Kenya even better,"he added.

He reiterated his call for sharing with the needy during the christmas festivities an aspect he has termed as service to God and humanity.

Eaier,the former head of state spent his christmas eve giving goodies to various children homes in his Gatundi backyard.

Among the children homes he visited include Gatundu Children's home, Mama Ngina Children's Home, Mama Fatuma Children's home, St Dorcas Educational Centre as well as Mary Faith Rescue Centre.

He was flanked by former first ladies Mama Ngina Kenyatta and his spouce Margaret Kenyatta.


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