Rwanda: We Owe Our Survival to Ourselves - Kagame

31 December 2023

President Kagame: We are not scared, not threatened by the possibility that, at one time, we will be on our own again.

President Paul Kagame has said the survival of Rwandans is not a gift from anyone else; rather, it originates from their own efforts.

He made the remarks during the annual End of the Year Party at the Kigali Convention Centre on December 30.

"Our survival was not given to us by anyone else, it all starts with ourselves," said Kagame.

The Head of State emphasised that Rwanda has stood on its own, and its people are familiar with such experience.

"So we are not scared, not threatened by the possibility that at one time, we will be on our own again," he continued.

"We should always be prepared. And we are used to working on the worst case scenario, where at any other time we might be on our own. And when we are left to be on our own, we will own up and survive even better than last time."

"Our survival was not given to us by anyone else, it all starts with ourselves." President Kagame Presidency | Rwanda (@UrugwiroVillage) December 31, 2023

Kagame further noted that given Rwanda's historical context, the initial phase of rebuilding the nation began from an exceptionally low point, where further decline was not conceivable.

"The result is that today, the only way is up, and nothing can stand in our way," he said.

"This does not happen on its own. It is a result of the choices we have made, our determination and a mindset of doing what it takes, no matter how difficult."

Kagame asserted that when he hears those claiming to be plotting an attack to jeopardise Rwanda's security, he poses a question, "Is there anything we haven't seen?"

"We have experienced destruction; we have reached its lowest point," said Kagame. "It is those who wish it for us who will experience it instead."

He added: "The world of today, we are used to being told that people have interests. It's no longer facts, it's no longer evidence, it's no longer whether it's right or wrong; it is interests."

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