Kenya: Aukot Bashes President Ruto's Sabotage Claims

2 January 2024

Nairobi — Former Presidential Candidate Ekuru Aukot has slammed President William Ruto's administration for blaming Former President Uhuru Kenyatta over its failure to deliver their promises to Kenyans.

Aukot described it as 'nonsensical' for President Ruto and his allies to point fingers at their predecessors one year after they took the helm of power.

"To keep blaming former president Uhuru Kenyatta is nonsense upon stilts. Move on, KK!" he stated on his X platform.

The Third Way Alliance Leader was responding to sentiments by Kiharu Member of Parliament Ndindi Nyoro who accused the Former President of sponsoring opposition demonstrations to disrupt the Kenya Kwanza Alliance regime.

Nyoro alleged that President Kenyatta is behind the legal cases mounted to impede the tax reforms to enable the implementation of the affordable housing project and the Social Health Insurance.

"President Kenyatta, Kenyans gave you ten years. When you wake up you should be thanking Kenyans not sponsoring plans to disrupt the government because we know you are behind this shenanigans," the Kiharu MP said.

Aukot has asked the Head of State to admit that he has failed and sabotaged himself in the delivery of the Kenya Kwanza Alliance manifesto.

He expressed the move by President Ruto to kill the opposition in Parliament by wooing the lawmakers in the Azimio La Umoja coalition doesn't warrant him to claim that his regime is being sabotaged.

"He bought the opposition in Parliament. So, who "sabotaged" his plan, if any?, He must have sabotaged himself," Aukot said.

In his New Years Eve message, President Ruto decried that some state officers who have benefitted from the previous regime were out to sabotage key policies in the government.

The court dealt a blow to President William Ruto's housing programme after declaring the Housing Levy unconstitutional for being discriminatory and creating unequal principles.

The judges ruled that Section 84 of the Finance Act, which amends the Employment Act to introduce the Housing Levy violates the principles of taxation for making distinction between formal and informal sectors, thus creating unequal and inequitable principles.

The high court also slammed the brakes on the implementation and enforcement of the Social Health Insurance Fund Act 2023, the Primary Health Care Act 2023 and the Digital Health Act 2023 until a case challenging its legality is heard.

The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) obtained court orders stopping the government from the planned rollout of the universal health coverage envisioned in the laws whose rollout President William Ruto had announced would be in January this year.

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