Sudan: USA Urges Sudan Parties 'To End Senseless, Brutal War'

Wasginton D.C. — To mark 68 years of Sudanese independence, the USA has reiterated its support for the people of Sudan, and urges "an end to this brutal war and return governance to civilians".

In a statement on Monday in which he congratulated the Sudanese people on the 68th anniversary of Sudan's independence, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken expressed regret for the continued suffering of the Sudanese people in the senseless war between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

In his statement, Blinken acknowledged that the war in Sudan has generated "war crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, grave food insecurity, widespread displacement, and a collapsing healthcare system", as well as deepening divisions in Sudan "along ethnic, tribal, and regional lines".

"The RSF and SAF must end this brutal war and return governance to civilians, as the Sudanese people have long demanded."

"A year ago, we welcomed a political process and joined the Sudanese people in hoping it could restore their democratic transition. Now, Sudan suffers from one of the world's largest humanitarian and displacement crises because of the warring parties' decisions."

Blinken's statement acknowledged the infrastructural and economic damage wrought by the war, both of which "are in ruins".

He stated that "many women and girls have been raped or live in terror of sexual violence amid lawlessness and impunity." As previously reported by Dabanga, reports of harrowing sexual violence are rife throughout Sudan due to the war, now in its ninth month.

Blinken concluded by declaring that "the United States continues to stand with the people of Sudan and will work to end the conflict so that in the coming year, the Sudanese people can begin to realise the peace, security, and prosperity they deserve."

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