Kenya: CS Nakhumicha Condemns Violent Incident On Busia Healthcare Giver

4 January 2024

Nairobi — Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha has condemned the violent incident on Busia healthcare giver caught on viral video.

In a statement, the CS stated that perpetrators of such acts will face the full force of the law.

She at the same time called for civility between the public and health workers.

"Act of violence against our health care workers are not only reprehensible but intolerable.Health care workers deserve our utmost respect as they are the backbone of our healthcare system," she stated.

"They work tirelessly and sometimes under challenging conditions to ensure the well being of all citizens across different hospital levels."

She described the Busia healthcare worker's assault as not just an attack on an individual but an assault on the entire healthcare system and the principles that guide it.

The CS commended the healthcare worker for remaining calm and composed during the incident, urging healthcare seekers to maintain civility whilst interacting with healthcare workers.

"Assaulting a healthcare worker not only endanger their lives but also disrupt the vital services they provide to other patients and the community," she stated.

In the video, a man and a woman can be seen harrassing two nurses at the facility while hurling unprintable insults at them.

The woman, at some point, is seen scattering objects lying on one of the nurses' desk to the floor and tossing some at her while calling her names.

The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) Secretary General Dr Davji Atellah has since condemned the incident, further urging the relevant authorities to swoop in and bring the culprits to book.


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