Curoca — Seven thousand and forty goats for animal development were delivered to 704 households in the municipality of Curoca, Cunene province, as part of the second component of the productive inclusion of the "Kwenda" social assistance program.
Families in vulnerable situations were selected in all villages in the municipality, where each received nine females and one male for breeding and reproduction.
The program covers four components, namely, monetary social transfers, productive inclusion, municipalization of social action and reinforcement of the single social register.
The prospect by the end of this year is to cover 1,237 households in Curoca, the head of department at the Local Development Institute (FAS) in Cunene, Eduardo Silunda, told ANGOP on Saturday.
He explained that the objective of this animal delivery initiative is to help families in this condition to create a revolving inclusion fund, to reduce the impact of hunger and poverty in the community.
Eduardo Silunda encouraged the beneficiaries to take care of the animals, as after they breed, they will be handed over to other families, except the cubs, to continue with the "Animal Fostering" program.
Within the scope of municipalization, he said that they have two Integrated Social Action Centers (CASI), operating in Curoca and Namacunde, which have already responded to 118 complaints and grievances related to Kwenda payments.
Data from the Multidimensional Poverty report of the Municipalities of Angola, released in 2019, considers Curoca to be the poorest municipality in the country, indicating an incidence of 98 percent, in all dimensions.
The indicators focused on health, education, housing quality and employment, based on the 2014 General Population and Housing Census.
Curoca has 56 thousand inhabitants, divided into 25 villages and two communes, namely Oncócua and Chitado.PEM/LHE/IZ/DOJ