Saurimo — Some 3,328 Identity Cards (BI) and several criminal records are waiting for their holders to collect them at the issuing stations in the province of Lunda Sul, the Civil Identification Department in Saurimo said Saturday.
The information was given to ANGOP on Saturday by the head of the Civil Identification Department of Lunda-Sul, António Mucumbi, who said he did not know the reasons that lead users not to collect their documents, a fact that has been increasing slightly for more than seven months.
According to the official, this situation worries the local institution assigned to the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.
He said that the sector issues an average of 30 to 40 Identity Cards per day at the local level, with a collection period of around seven days.
He added that the identity cards to be picked up are at the identification posts of the municipalities of Cacolo, Dala, Muconda and Saurimo.
Although the situation itself does not generate embarrassment in the work routine, António Mucumbi said that "the intentional abandonment" of Identity Cards at issuing stations represents a waste of material, effort and time, therefore appealing to users to avoid such practice.
The sector has sent some lists to Radio Lunda-Sul so that those interested can pick up their documents but 'without success", he said.
At the provincial level, he said, there are five civil and criminal identification posts, two in Saurimo, one in the municipalities of Cacolo, Dala, Muconda and two mobile ones, which do not yet have the new Integrated Identity Card system. QB/JW/IZ/DOJ