Malawi: Attorney General Appeals Against Brian Banda K103m Compensation From State House

8 January 2024

Attorney General (AG) Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda says his office has appealed against former State House press secretary Brian Banda's award of K103 million from State House for unfair dismissal.

In a communication which Nyasatimes has seen, Chakaka Nyirenda says all what his office is waiting for is for the court to set the hearing day for the appeal.

The Industrial Relations Court (IRC) awarded Banda for compensatory K103 million for unfair dismissal.

Justifying the move, the spokesperson for the Attorney General, Emmanuel Lawyer, cited the basis of the ruling as a misrepresentation of facts hence the appeal.

On 23 December 2023, Deputy Chairperson of the IRC, Mike Kandulu, ordered the multi-million compensation with an additional K1.2 million as severance pay.

Banda previously served as a Press secretary at the State House in 2020. He reportedly went to China to further his studies and upon his return to Malawi he did not return to State House.

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