South Africa: In Khayelitsha, Even Toilets Need Protection

Khayelitsha residents in the TR section in Cape Town couldn't enjoy their Christmas and New Year because of the terrible smell coming from their container toilets.

It's not surprising as the community toilets were last cleaned on 21 December.

A resident, speaking on condition of anonymity, said they were forced to use the toilets even though they were overflowing.

"We didn't have any other choice but to use them even though they were full of flies and maggots. It is not healthy at all. We need help," said the resident.

She told Scrolla.Africa the company responsible for cleaning their area decided to stop working after they received threats from the protection fee gang.

"I heard that the extortionists are demanding a fee of R50,000 per month. These gangs don't consider the community. They just want free money," said the resident.

Sandiso Jawa, a 50-year-old, doesn't understand why extortionists cannot see the pain they cause.

"This is sad. Who can we blame for all this? As the community, we know the people who collect the money but we protect them even though we are the ones suffering. How can they ask so much money for services the community needs?" asked Sandiso.

Cape Town's MCM for Water and Sanitation, Zahid Badroodien, said because of the threats to the people responsible for cleaning the container toilets at the TR section, law enforcement had to provide the service provider with an escort.

"Extortion impacts the dignity of residents. The City condemns extortion efforts that jeopardise our efforts to deliver basic services," said Badroodien.

He said the challenges have since been resolved, and the services reinstated.

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