Malawi: Chakwera Goes All Mega As Govt Introduces Fish Mega Farms

10 January 2024

Government is introducing mega fish farms where fish farmers will be learning modern fish farming techniques.

Minister of Natural Resources and Climate Change, Michael Usi said the country's model fish mega farm will be at Kasinthula in Chikwawa where fish farmers will be visiting to learn various fish farming skills.

Usi said this on Tuesday at Domasi Aquaculture Center in Zomba saying, economically, the farms will help the country export more fish to other countries which in turn will attract foreign currency.

The minister said since the farms will lead to the production of fish in large quantities, the other harvested fish will be used for food.

"It's sad that some people in the country have never tasted chambo fish because of it's low production which makes it expensive on marketplaces," he said.

Domasi Aquaculture Center station manager Titus Phiri challenged that the center has the capacity to produce and supply enough fingerings across the country.

"Fish farming is an ideal business," he said.

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