South Africa: Cosatu Northern Cape Is Devastated By the Death of Three Farmworkers

press release

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in the Northern Cape is shocked by the death of three (3) farmworkers who were killed when they were struck by lightning in two separate incidents, other five (5) sustained injuries and were taken to hospital for medical treatment.

It was reported that the first incident happened on January 03rd when two farmworkers aged 26 and 51 were struck and killed and five (5) others injured. In a separate incident, another 19-year-old farmworker was also struck and killed by lightning on January 05th at a farm in Barkly West near Kimberley.

We call on the Department of Employment and Labour and the law enforcement agencies to expedite the investigation processes and inquest in an endeavour to determine if the deaths and injuries could have been prevented.

COSATU urges all farmworkers to take the necessary precautionary measures during thunderstorms by avoiding operating machinery or any farm equipment, avoid high lying areas like hilltops and even trees and to seek shelter.

The federation wishes the five (5) injured workers a speedy recovery and extends condolences to the families, friends, and relatives of the deceased.

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