Mozambique: Child Dies in Crocodile Attack in Manica

Maputo — An 11-year-old girl, named Miquelina Tauzene, has died, in Vanduzi district, in the central Mozambican province of Manica, as a result of a crocodile attack.

According to the Manica provincial director of Territorial Development and Environment, Rafael Manjate, cited in Wednesday's issue of the independent daily "O País', over the last 12 months, 15 people have lost their lives as a result of crocodile attacks.

"In 2023, we had five deaths from crocodile attacks. In 2022, we had 35 cases that resulted in 10 deaths', Manjate said, explaining that the Zambezi and Vanduzi rivers have the most crocodiles that attack people "and there are already actions underway to stop the deaths.'

"The cases of attacks on people by animals, especially crocodiles, are worrying', he added.

According to Féldia Tauzene, the victim's sister, everything happened very quickly, on Friday.

"I even tried to help, but the animal was angry. It took place when my sister went to the Vunduzi river to fetch water to drink', she said.

"When she wanted to get out, she was attacked by the crocodile. I tried to pull her hand away, but the crocodile struck me. I had to run home to tell the family. And when we got back, we didn't see her in the river anymore', she said.

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