Kenya: ODM to Disband National Elections Board in Favor of County-Based Poll Bureaus

10 January 2024

Nairobi — The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has proposed the disbandment of the National Elections Board in favor of county-based poll bureaus.

The Party's Central Committee announced Wednesday, that the move aims to decentralize the management of its elections.

The resolution made during Wednesday's meeting also aims to enhance efficiency and empower the grassroots involvement in party matters.

"Henceforth, all Party Elections shall be managed at County Level with two Elections Coordinators one male and one female in charge of each County," ODM's Secretary General Edwin Sifuna said.

According to Sifuna, a coordinating committee of three persons at the National level will report directly to the Party's Central committee in the new arrangement.

To ensure institutional memory, ODM will retain two members of NEB in the new Coordinating Committee at the national level.

The Raila Odinga-led party stated that it had retained Richard Tairo and Emily Awita to seat in the new board.

The Central Committee has also proposed Beatrice Askul, from Turkana County as the third committee member.

Emily Awita has been recommended as the Chair of the revamped committee.

"These proposals shall be presented to the relevant organs for ratification in accordance with the Party constitution," Sifuna stated.

Sifuna further confirmed the continuation of the party's grassroots recruitment, initiated last year in various parts of the country

Forums are scheduled to be held in Busia, Vihiga, Bungoma, Lamu, Tana River, Kilifi, Taita Taveta, Kwale, and Mombasa.

He added the recruitment drives shall be accompanied by consultative forums across the country

Sifuna expressed concern over what he described as the challenging operating environment for political parties in the country.

He singled out the issues surrounding the reduction in funding for political parties which he argues threatens the country's democracy.

"In its very first supplementary budget in September 2023, the regime cut funds allocated to parties by over 60 percent. This year the onslaught has continued with further cuts," he said.

"This is a clear demonstration of the regime's intent to cripple all key institutions of democracy from parliament to the judiciary to the political parties."

Sifuna warned that they will not allow the government to have its way on issues affecting the common mwananchi, including the attacks on the judiciary.

President Ruto, in recent weeks, has sustained his onslaught on the judiciary, accusing some judicial officials of engaging in bribery and what he has described as sabotage of the Kenya Kwanza agenda.

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