Tanzania: Samia Urges Work Integrity

ZANZIBAR: CHAMA Cha Mapinduzi National Chairperson, President Samia Suluhu Hassan, has issued various directives to the country's youths, the most important of which emphasises work integrity.

She emphasised the need for the youth developing a culture for work respect, honesty and avoiding being greedy.

"I have appointed young people to various positions across the nation, but some of them fail to complete tasks as assigned, misappropriate funds for development and fail to oversee initiatives meant to make a difference in society," Dr Samia said.

Speaking at the culmination of the CCM youth wing's Mapinduzi Walk, which commemorates the 60th anniversary of the Zanzibar Revolution at Maisara Grounds, she stated that young people should also prioritise national values, honour, and social media discipline.

President Samia stated that rather than being among those who use slanderous remarks against the government, the youth of the CCM are expected to lead by example, especially by utilising social media to promote the positive things done by the sixth phase government.

"The future of this country is in your hands. Our founders fought to bring us political freedom, but it is our responsibility to bring to ourselves economic freedom, and youth have a role to play." President Samia said.

She gave them further instructions, saying that in addition to considering time, they had to compare themselves to their colleagues in both South Africa and East Africa regions, when carrying out their operations to make money." You should have the bravery to look for opportunities wherever they may be, even if they are not within our nation's boundaries."

In addition, Dr Samia advised the young people to take care of their health and abstain from drug usage, reminding them that the stage is like a smoke in that if you haven't accomplished something worthwhile by the time it passes, you will look back and regret it.

As part of the 60th anniversary celebrations, several projects have been launched including opening or laying of foundation stone for schools, hospitals, roads, and sports/football grounds among other projects estimated to be more than 61 in Unguja and Pemba Island, and that the program also include entertainments, and football tournament (Mapinduzi Cup).

According to President Samia, throughout history, young people have acted as a driving force behind a number of national reforms. From the Zanzibar revolution to the front lines of post-independence politics, youth have been instrumental in bringing about significant political and social transformations.

"Youth should realise that a lot has changed in the world, so you should change first by putting a lot of effort into your studies and developing your talents. For those of you who have finished, don't be lazy; education never ends. Develop yourself so that you can fight in different fields," she said.

She added "Do not accept the misconception that UVCCM is for waiting for positions in the government or waiting for candidates to support them; the youth wing is for protecting, defending, and the country, revolution, freedom, and our union," CCM youths can also enter business, investment, community leadership, and other important areas of society."

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