Mauritius: World Hindi Day 2024 - Introducing Hindi As a Second or Foreign Language

A one-day workshop marked, today, the celebrations of World Hindi Day 2024, at the World Hindi Secretariat, in Phoenix. The aim of the workshop was to underline the appropriate procedures for introducing Hindi as a second or foreign language as well as to develop the interest of learners in learning Hindi.

The event was organised by the World Hindi Secretariat (WHS) under the aegis of the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology and the High Commission of India, in collaboration with the Indira Gandhi Centre for Indian Culture and, the Mahatma Gandhi Institute.

The Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, Mrs Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun; the High Commissioner of India to Mauritius, Mrs Nandini K. Singla; the Associate Professor at the Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies, Vilnius University, Lithuania, Dr Kristina Luna Dolinina; the Secretary General of the WHS, Dr Madhouree Ramdharee; and other personalities were present for the occasion.

In her address, Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun expressed satisfaction upon the milestones attained by the WHS during the past few years. She also shared her vision of expanding the reach of the WHS and elevating the Hindi language to a global dimension. In addition, the Vice-Prime Minister outlined the objectives of her Ministry through the WHS in spreading and promoting Hindi across African countries.

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun also laid emphasis on the Government's objective to promote our ancestral languages as a way to uphold unity within the nation and actively contribute to its growth and progress.

In terms of elevating the Hindi language to a higher platform, the Vice-Prime Minister underpinned the strong bilateral relationship between India and Mauritius. She emphasised their collective efforts in this endeavour and noted the WHS's longstanding celebration of World Hindi Day for 15 years, encouraging its continuation along the same path.

Furthermore, Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun highlighted the array of initiatives orchestrated by the WHS, such as webinars, workshops, and notably, the International Hindi reportage writing competition. She praised the WHS's efforts in illuminating effective strategies to introduce Hindi to a broader audience of learners.

Speaking on behalf of the Indian Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, Mrs Singla expressed her delight at the widespread interest in Hindi and the multitude of activities organised to celebrate World Hindi Day. She further, underscored the pivotal role of the Hindi language in disseminating Indian culture, knowledge, and traditions worldwide. According to her, the Indian Prime Minister views Hindi as a unifying force, not only within India but also on the global stage, maintaining unity among Indians internationally.

World Hindi Day

World Hindi Day is observed every year on January 10 to honour the contributions of Hindi speakers and to raise awareness about the use of the Hindi language. A unique theme is assigned each year, and for 2024, it is "Hindi-Bridging Traditional Knowledge and Artificial Intelligence."

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