Kenya: Kalonzo Slams Kenya Kwanza for 'Hiked' Electricity Fee

11 January 2024

Nairobi — Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has protested what he terms as a 16 percent electricity price increase saying it will affect Kenyans adversely.

While blaming the Kenya Kwanza government for the move which he said affected Kenyans adversely, Musyoka described it as unacceptable.

He indicated further that it increased the cost of living and Kenyans were "tired, hungry and angry."

"The 16 percent increase in tokens by @KenyaPower is the latest unacceptable burden on tired, hungry and angry Kenyans. This is the cleared example of the KK regime's inability to address the cost of living," he stated.

"They want to leave us in the dark, but I am telling them, know kuna nuru gizani,"he wrote on his X platform.Electricity token prices have increased due to surcharges including the fuel cost charge and the foreign exchange rate fluctuation adjustment which have soared due to the weakening shilling.

Consumers are expected to pay 16.5 percent increase in electricity prices due to fuel charge increase as well as adjustment on foreign exchange rates. The prices are now up to Sh4.33 a unit from Sh 3.98 in December 2023.

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