Mauritius: Tropical Cyclone Belal - Prime Minister Jugnauth Takes Stock of the Situation Following Heavy Rains

The Prime Minister, Mr Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, made a statement, this afternoon, at the headquarters of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Centre (NDRRMC) in Port Louis, after a review of the situation following the recent heavy rains associated with the Tropical Cyclone Belal, in the presence of the Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Local Government and Disaster Risk Management, Dr Mohammad Anwar Husnoo.

Prime Minister Jugnauth indicated that our country is going through a very difficult time right now, adding that it is unfortunate to note that one motorcyclist lost his life in an accident and much material damage was also caused around the island. On this note, Mr Jugnauth acknowledged the frustration of the population as regards this situation and added that as a consequence, he will ensure that those responsible for this situation assume their responsibilities.

He, thus, announced that the Director of the Mauritius Meteorological Services, Mr Kumar Ram Dhurmea, has stepped down as Director. I would like to point out that all decisions taken are based on the information given by the technicians and experts of the MMS, and, based on this information only we can assess the risks and decide how to minimise them as much as possible, Mr Jugnauth observed.

Speaking of the National Emergency Operations Command (NEOC), the Prime Minister emphasised that he has been in constant contact with the Officers, and the latter have been working round the clock since the formation of tropical cyclone Belal to provide assistance to the population.

Moreover, Prime Minister Jugnauth dwelt on the situation in Port Louis, which, he remarked, has improved, and added that the National Crisis Committee is coordinating the evacuation of the population. First responders such as the Mauritius Police Force, the Special Mobile Force, and the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Services, will be on-site to assist the people. On this note, Mr Jugnauth lauded the courage of people who volunteered to help people in danger and reiterated the commitment to strive hard to ensure the safety of the public.

Mr Jugnauth underlined, too, that the Ministry of Land and Transport has put bus operators at the disposal of the public up to 19hrs00 so that everyone reaches their homes safely. During my visit to the NEOC, I also noticed that Officers present are working in coordination with those on the field to ensure the security of all Mauritians. He, additionally, urged the public to stay safe and not to wander around.

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