Tanzania: Samia - 'No Room for Underperformers'

Zanzibar — ZANZIBAR: NATIONAL Chairperson of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), President Samia Suluhu Hassan has said the party's flag bearers for the forthcoming elections would strictly be evaluated by their performance.

Dr Samia said this yesterday when she inaugurated the newly built CCM branch in Chaani-Masingini and opened the Ushoni Tailoring Training Centre for women of Unguja North Region at Mahonda. The centre is owned by the CCM's Women Wing, UWT.

"In the next general election, CCM flag bearers including Members of Parliament and the members of the House of Representatives will be judged on their performance. They will be judged based on their efforts to bring about development to the people and provide solutions to the challenges their constituencies face," the CCM Chairperson asserted.

"That will be our criterion for the leaders of the electoral constituencies including representatives and MPs. We will judge their abilities based on work they have done in bringing about development to our citizens in the constituencies."

She further said in the run-up to the elections, MPs in the National Assembly, and representatives in Zanzibar House, as well as those appointed should work hard and show what they have done, before it is too late for them, adding those who will underperform will be left out.

"Every MP and Representative, whether elected or appointed or through special seats, must be evaluated. We want to see evidence of their performance. This is how we are going to assess people aspiring for these positions," she emphasised.

In particular, she asked the members and electorates to make decisions after evaluating their leaders based on their performance.

In line with that, President Samia also urged the would-be aspirants to shun corruption acts.

"Gifts are allowed during religious festivals and celebrations such as Eid for Muslims and Christmas for Christians, but it should not be used to campaign for the election," she said.

Expounding on the forthcoming 2025 general election, President Samia stressed that CCM is strong and will continue to deliver for the development of all citizens.

She reiterated that unity is strength, division is weakness, appealing to CCM members and enthusiasts to ensure that they strengthen the party, especially in preparations for the upcoming general election for it to secure a landslide victory. "United we stand, divided we fall," she said.

The chairperson said that both, the Union and Zanzibar governments bear a great burden to bring development to the people, and a lot has been done.

Dr Samia stressed that when Mainland Tanzania is going for the local government elections this year, Zanzibar should start preparing for the general elections in 2025, so that CCM remains in power on both sides of the Union.

She reminded the party members and fans that elections are not won by national leaders only, but winning requires the involvement of all CCM members.

President Samia expressed her happiness about the construction of the Chaani Masingini branch and commended the representative of Chaani Constituency for the initiative.

The representative of Unguja North- Women Special Seats, Ms Riziki Pembe Juma, said Dr Samia's statement about evaluating leaders was timely for the party to have credible and committed representatives of wananchi.

The CCM Chaani Masingini branch was financed by Chaani Constituency Representative Mr Nadir Abdulatif to the tune of 200m/-, and it is one of the 12 branches that exist in the region.

The Ushoni tailoring training centre for women entrepreneurs has been sponsored by the Zanzibar Milele Foundation (ZMF) in collaboration with UWT at the cost of 72m/-.

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