Angola's Christian Churches Council Defends Cautious Legalization of Religions in the Country

Huambo — The moderator of the Council of Christian Churches in Angola (CICA) in the province of Huambo, Euclides dos Santos, defended the cautious legalization of Churches to avoid religions that are not committed to social humanization.

Pastor Euclides dos Santos was speaking Sunday at the ecumenical service to close the traditional Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, opened on the 21st of this month, in an initiative by CICA, under the theme "You will love the Lord your God and your neighbor as yourself".

The event served to reflect on the practical value of charity among Christians, aiming at the permanent search for peace in communities and the promotion of social well-being.

On the occasion, pastor Euclides dos Santos said that government authorities must follow exhaustive criteria for investigating churches, through rigorous observance of methods present in religious sciences and other social models that take into account human values and, at the same time, the moral and civic education, to stop abnormal behaviors, often carried out by some religious denominations.

He denounced the existence of religious sects and some churches that contribute to the deviation of the ecclesiastical and evangelical argument of the ecclesiastical and evangelical argument, betting on a discourse of financial success without labor effort, in addition to behaviors that promote family disunity and the accusation of witchcraft practices against the elderly and children.

For this reason, the pastor hopes that the Government will develop effective and appropriate methodologies to prevent the proliferation of religious sects and also encourage permanent dialogue in order to institutionalize only churches committed to the well-being of the human person.

He added that CICA, as a partner of the State, plans to develop, this year, a series of social activities, such as blood donation, visits to prisons, nursing homes and children's homes, distribution of basic necessities and the promotion of ethical principles in communities, for the practical implementation of biblical teachings.

There are also cleaning campaigns in communities to maintain a healthy environment and training of religious leaders in leadership techniques.

When speaking at the service, Catholic priest Abreu Bras Cuvíngua said that the church will always promote the practical exercise of social justice to contribute to the humanization of communities and make religious diversity a wealth, whose institutionalization must pass rigorous methodological criteria.

CICA is made up of 16 affiliated Christian churches in the province of Huambo. LT/ALH/DOJ

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