Ethiopia: Lucy Discoverer Johanson, Arizona State University Team Arrive in Afar Region

Addis Ababa — Arizona State University Human Fossil Research Team led by Professor Donald Johanson, the paleoanthropologist best known for his discovery of "Lucy", is in Semera, the regional capital of Ethiopia's Afar region.

Professor Johanson is known for his discovery of "Lucy," a complete 3.2-million-year-old Australopithecus afarensis skeleton, in the Hadar area of the Afar region.

Upon arrival at Semera Airport, Professor Johanson and his paleoanthropologists team was warmly welcomed by Afar region Tourism Bureau leadership, Semera University Tourism Department students, and the university's cultural music band.

During the welcoming ceremony, Arizona State University Human Origins Institute Director Yohannes Haile-Selassie emphasized the significance of Ethiopia's role in the study of human evolution.

The discovery of Lucy has solidified Ethiopia's position as the cradle of humanity in the scientific field, he noted.

The team's visit to Ethiopia coincides with the approaching 50th anniversary of Lucy's discovery.

It also plans to hold consultations with Ethiopian scholars, continue the institute's collaborative research endeavors with Semera University, and revisit the Hadar area where Lucy was unearthed.

Afar Tourism Bureau Head Ahmed Abdulkadir stated that Professor Johanson's discovery of Lucy was an official declaration which revealed Ethiopia as the origin of humankind.

The research team's visit to Afar has immense contribution toward promoting tourism and raising awareness of the rich cultural and historical heritage in the region and the country, he added.

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