Kenya: Red Cross Offers 2-Month Rent to Embakasi Gas Explosion Victims

2 February 2024

Nairobi — Families affected by the gas explosion that rocked Mradi village in Embakasi will now receive a two-month rent as part of assistance offered by the Kenya Red Cross Society.

Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura announced that the humanitarian organization will embark on mapping alongside National Government Administration Officers to identify affected households.

"The Kenya Red Cross has a platform to provide for cash transfer for those whose houses have been destroyed in conjunction with NGAO. They will do serious mapping. So that there can be provision of some rent for at least two months or thereabout," he said.

"So we are calling upon those who can support this initiative through that platform to really join hands," Mwaura stated during a visit on site.

The Nairobi County Government is set to provide the affected households with food, blankets, water and other essentials.

Already, the Johnson Sakaja-led administration has waived the medical fees of the Embakasi gas explosion.

In a statement, Sakaja stated that the exemption will be at public county hospitals.

"The County Government has also waived all medical fees at the County facilities attending to the injured and bereaved. We have also mobilised relief items, in conjunction with other agencies, to ensure the comfort of all those affected," he stated.

"Currently, all County Health and Medical teams are also managing the situation and also working hand in hand with the County Disaster and Risk management teams who continue to provide the necessary support to the victims of the fire incident."

Embakasi Explosion

At least three people died and several were injured in Thursday night's explosion in Embakasi near the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA).

Authorities say the huge explosion felt miles away occurred at Mradi area sending shock waves and panic in the city.

According to Government Spokesman Isaac Mwaura, a truck filled with gas cylinders exploded at around 11pm igniting a huge fireball that spread to godowns and a residential area nearby.

More than 200 people were injured and rushed to various hospitals across the city.

"Consequently, the inferno further damaged several vehicles and commercial properties, including many small and medium-sized businesses," he said, confirming the deaths and injuries of more than 200 people.

"I heard a loud explosion and suddenly a gas cylinder hit my door and ripped it open and that is when we escaped," said Vincent Onchoke, I was sleeping and we all escaped even my family which I traced this (Friday) morning."

"I have never heard such a loud explosion," said Emily Mwangi who lives nearby, "it shook buildings."

The loud explosion was felt more than 10 kilometres away.

"I heard the explosion only to see huge flames and fireballs in Embakasi," said Enock Korir, a resident of Umoja estate.

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