Zimbabwe: Prince Dubeko Sibanda Dumps Parliament for Chamisa, As More Resignations Are Expected

3 February 2024

BINGA North Member of Parliament (MP) Prince Dubeko Sibanda has become the latest to dump the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) in solidarity with its former President Nelson Chamisa.

Sibanda resigned barely two weeks after Chamisa announced his decision to quit the party claiming it had been heavily infiltrated.

He becomes the fourth MP to do so after Fadzayi Mahere, Takudzwa Ngadziore, and Prosper Mutseyami with more expected in the next week according to sources.

In a statement released on Friday, Sibanda confessed to having failed to salvage what remained of the CCC through a recent meeting of the party's Citizens National Assembly (CNA).

The CNA set up a steering committee to run party affairs but confusion over its leadership structure has crippled operations.

"The party, in its current form and nature, no longer has the capacity to carry the hopes of the majority or to be salvaged for it to once again be the vehicle with which the hopes of the majority can be achieved," said Sibanda.

"All those claiming leadership or intent to lead the party are no longer driven and motivated by the struggle of the majority.

"They are mere political middlemen and brokers angling to curry favor with the regime in exchange for trinkets and the funds from the Political Parties Finance Act. The agenda of the majority of suffering Zimbabweans has long been lost to them.

"Regrettably, and with a heavy heart, I have to announce my total disassociation with and disengagement from a party that we worked so hard to build."

Former MP Tendai Biti has already acknowledged CNA structures which place him as CCC's Vice President and most likely successor.

Added Sibanda: "It has become evident that whoever is going to access the funds of the political party will do so with the blessing and approval of the regime. The price is to compromise the people's struggle and be a pliant opposition to the regime.

"It has never been my mission to be a member of an opposition party that is pliant to Zanu PF or to be incorporated in the plunder of the country's resources."

Chamisa is yet to reveal his next move despite indications he will be launching another party, albeit minus colleagues such as Biti and Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume.

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