Tanzania: MPs Call for Competent Electoral Commission Members

Members of Parliament have highlighted qualities required for members of the National Electoral Commission (NEC), including integrity, trust, patriotism, and experience in political, legal, administrative, and international affairs.

They believe that members with these qualities will not only ensure the independence of the commission but also enhance its efficiency.

The MPs were discussing three electoral bills: the National Electoral Commission (NEC) Bill, 2023; the Presidential, Parliamentary, and Local Government Elections Bill, 2023; and the Political Parties Affairs Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2023.

Nominated MP Shamsi Vuai Nahodha, who has held various ministerial positions in the country, including Minister for Defence and National Service, stated that the electoral commission should have three types of members with knowledge, ability, and experience in political, legal, administrative, and international affairs.

"I want to make it clear that the independence of the electoral commission does not come from a name or the people who appoint the commission, but should take into account important issues such as expertise, experience, and trust by commission members. For me, this can be regarded as the independence of the commission," said Vuai.

He also mentioned other qualities that commission members should possess, such as leadership skills in public affairs, the private sector, and international organizations. They should be respected and accepted both nationally and internationally.

Nahodha emphasised the importance of robust systems for vote counting and the need for employees with high levels of integrity in order for the electoral commission to carry out its duties efficiently.

He called upon the government to implement modern systems to facilitate vote counting.

Regarding gender equality, Nahodha disagreed with the suggestion of giving women 30 to 40 per cent representation, considering it as balance rather than equality.

He argued that true equality would mean a 50/50 division, as stated in the constitution that all people, regardless of gender, are born equal.

Kilosa MP Professor Kabudi acknowledged Tanzania's history of conducting elections for councilors, Members of Parliament, and the President for 66 years.

He expressed gratitude to President Samia Suluhu Hassan for introducing the bills that will further promote democracy in the country.

Kabudi highlighted the resilience of Tanzania in holding elections under difficult circumstances, citing the 1980 election held during the country's war with Idd Amin and the economic challenges.

Regarding the National Electoral Commission Bill 2023, Kabudi emphasized the need for the commission's officials to possess integrity, trust, and patriotism.

"We must ask ourselves, are we enacting these election laws for what kind of nation? Tanzania has its own customs, traditions, and cultures.

The country's constitution states that we are bound by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It also addresses the issues of respect and discrimination of any kind, including gender discrimination," he said.

He stated that all the bills take into account the customs, traditions, and cultures of Tanzania and address the issues of respect, justice, integrity, and trust.

Special Seats MP Zainab Katimba (CCM) underlined the importance of considering qualities, criteria, and capability when selecting individuals for the election processes.

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