Kenya: Wildlife Connection That Grabs Global Golf Attention

8 February 2024

Nairobi — Golf has enjoyed a unique connection with the animal kingdom for donkey's years.

But this connection has rarely been more harmonious than what Vipingo Ridge in Kenya has had to offer.

Vipingo Ridge is home to Africa's only PGA accredited golf course and indeed the ongoing Ladies European Tour Magical Ladies Kenya Open (MKLO).

And from visitors who grace the now popular LET event, it's something akin to a surreal experience; seeing wildlife just around the roughs, greens and fairways.

it is an extraordinary thing to be playing golf with the Indian Ocean in the background as a giraffe walks past.

For over 15 years Vipingo Ridge has been developing a sisal estate into a sanctuary for both people and the indigenous Kenyan wildlife.

The picturesque golf facility has focussed on developing Kenyan coastal and marine habitats.

Sports-wise there is a rarity that makes the MKLO venue distinct as opposed to other LET courses.

"Where else would you find giraffes and zebras walking side by side on a golf course with players," Sports Cabinet Ababu Namwamba remarked during the official launch of the Magical Kenya Open and MKLO in a function held at Muthaiga Golf Club.

So how did this vision of conservation come to fruition?

In 2006 the development team began to focus on native species of plants and trees. As well as growing and planting, they also restricted the growth of invasive non-indigenous flora and fauna.

The tree nursery was founded in 2009, collecting seeds from trees in the region and around 35,000 seedlings were planted. This planting programme continues today and has included many varieties of trees, even the iconic Baobabs, the namesake of the PGA golf course.

There also is a dedicated area with restricted human access, set aside for wildlife. This is the Vipingo Ridge Wildlife Sanctuary.

This area includes a number of different types of habitats. At the heart of this coastal haven is the Chodari Dam.

-Winning space for wildlife-

In 2020 the development joined a new programme in partnership with the Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS). This animal rescue and breeding programme returned larger herbivore species to Vipingo Ridge.

These species include a varied bloodline of zebra, impala, eland, oryx and water buck - as well as three rescue baby giraffes.

U.COM Event Managing Director Dirk Glittenberg is thrilled about the return of the tournament to a unique wildlife atmosphere in North Coast.

Glittenberg : "This year's edition is poised to shine in the LET season, spotlighting world-class talent against the stunning backdrop of Vipingo Ridge. A few days ago, we had more than 10 zebras on green number 10," said Glittenberg.

The wildlife is there at Vipingo and it's beautiful scenery makes the MKLO one of the most admired events on the LET circuit. An instance last year on the course made CNN 'Play Of The Day' when a giraffe walked from the tee to the next green with the players," expounded Glittenberg .

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