Kenya: Owner of Tanker That Exploded in Embakasi to Be Held for 14 Days

15 February 2024

Nairobi — The owner of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) tanker that exploded in Embakasi killing 7 people is set to be detained for fourteen days pending investigations into the incident.

Abraham Mwangi Nguyo has been on the run since the incident occurred on the night of February 1 before he was arrested on February 12 when he presented himself at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) offices in Embakasi.

Nguyo owns the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) tanker that was delivering gas at the premises of the Maxxis Energy Nairobi Limited and which exploded causing the tragedy.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) is investigating cases of murder, negligent act causing harm contrary to section 244 of the Penal Code and abuse of office in contravention of Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act.

In an affidavit filed before Senior Principal Magistrate Martha Nanzushi of the Milimani Law Courts, Inspector Isaac Kariuki of Embakasi DCI offices said the identification of the 10 people that died in hospitals is ongoing and recording statements of survivors is yet to start.

The matter will be mentioned on February 28 to confirm the progress made by the investigators and the charges they intend to charge him on him and others in custody.

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