Kenya: Police Disperse Lawyers Protesting Nakuru War Memorial Hospital Saga

15 February 2024

Nakuru — Police teargassed Law Society of Kenya (LSK) members protesting government's continued disobedient to court orders in Nakuru War Memorial Hospital saga.

The organisation's President Eric Theuri said the advocates were protesting against impunity by the County Government of Nakuru in failing to comply with Court orders.

He accused Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika of hiring goons to attack and disrupt the peaceful protest.

LSK stated that they will now be moving to court to seek orders to have Kihika declared unfit to hold public office

The hospital ownership battle has deepened existing political differences between Governor Kihika and Nakuru MPs, triggering fresh conflicts.

The hospital, in existence for over 100 years, is at the centre of a court battle over a 25-acre parcel of land.

Attempts by the county government to take over the hospital have intensified since the arrest and arraignment of two directors on forgery charges.

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