South Africa: Why Judge Granted Cancer Patients Interim Relief for 'Miracle Doctor' With Questionable Staff Relations


Dr Louis Kathan's admission and practising privileges at Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital were terminated after he continued to talk to female colleagues about strip clubs, lap dances and how he preferred blondes. His patients said they would suffer irreversible damage without him.

A choice between allowing a foremost oncologist with a highly inappropriate bedside manner to continue his work, or the potential death of patients.

This is what Judge Derek Wille was asked to consider in two urgent applications to the Western Cape Division of the High Court. He has now set out the reasons for his rulings.

The applications were by 17 cancer patients who took Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital and Life Healthcare Holdings to court for terminating "celebrated" oncologist Dr Louis Kathan's admission and practising privileges at the hospital. Kathan heads Kathan Oncology, which still operates out of Vincent Pallotti.

In November, Judge Wille issued a provisional interdict enabling Kathan to retain a presence at the hospital, which will remain in effect until the resolution by a court of his dismissal.

The dispute between Kathan and the Life Healthcare group had been sent for private mediation, which was unsuccessful. The matter was also not before the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA), the judge noted.

Carry on as usual

Examples of Kathan's behaviour were contained in court papers by Craig Koekemoer, a business operations executive at Life Healthcare Holdings, who set out the doctor's penchant for chit-chat around female...

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