Zimbabwe: Traditional Grains Fast Becoming the Starch of Choice

20 February 2024

Riding on their rising popularity as a nutritious food option and their high resistance to extreme weather vagaries, traditional grains like sorghum, pearl millet and finger millet have recorded significant growth in yields and hectarage in the last five years.

Statistics released by the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development show that sorghum production has increased by 146 percent between 2018 and 2023 despite falling by 96 percent from 2021 to 2022.

There was also a 46 percent increase in the pearl millet for the last five years as shown by the statistics.

From the statistics, it is clear that finger millet production is on the ascend after recorded a 106 percent increase in the last five years.

Agricultural and Rural Development Advisory Services director for Mashonaland East Mr Leonard Munamati said traditional crops such as sorghum, pearl millet and finger millet were becoming popular as people became aware of their high nutritional value.

Mr Munamati said climate change had impacted negatively on crop production and it was important that farmers grew crops that were suitable for their specific agro ecological regions to maximise yields.

He explained that traditional grains were climate smart and performed exceptionally well in areas where there were poor rainfall patterns.

Climate change has also seen Government and non-governmental organisations promoting production of crops that can perform well under low rainfall conditions as part of efforts to ensure food self-sufficiency and reduce the number of people relying on humanitarian assistance.

The value attached to traditional grains, which had over the years been so low with some people viewing them as crops for the vulnerable, has been rising due to the recognition of their health and nutritional value.

Meanwhile, Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union (ZCFU) president Dr Shadreck Makombe said many people were today health-conscious with some restaurants even serving traditional foods.

"Long back, demand for traditional food was low, as the food was perceived to be for the poor. Now the affluent are the ones who demand traditional food and this has increased the demand for the food on the market," he said.

Knowledge Transfer Africa (KTA) Chief Executive Officer Dr Charles Dhewa concurred that there was an increase in the purchase of traditional grain seeds that could better withstand drought at the start of this season, as people across the country were seeking to ensure food security.

He urged farmers to value the production of traditional gains to mitigate risks and ensure higher yields.

"By conserving and utilising traditional seed varieties, farmers can adapt to changing environmental conditions while meeting the nutritional needs of the population," said Dr Dhewa.

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