Seychelles' NGO Week Celebrations to Launch On Bigger Scale

Citizens Engagement Platform Seychelles (CEPS) will join the rest of the world to celebrate non -governmental organisations (NGOs) on a bigger scale this year.

The chief executive of CEPS, Alvin Laurence, revealed week-long activities to the media in a press conference on Wednesday under the theme "Building a sustainable future."

He said, "We are holding this week to showcase the activities NGOs hold in the country all year long."

"The calendar of events is one that we have also informed our international partners such as SADC [Southern African Development Community], the United Nations and the Commonwealth, so that they may also send their representatives to attend should they feel the need," added Laurence.

The events on the calendar are aimed at involving everyone in society, said Laurence.

Among the activities scheduled will be Caritas Day on Sunday February 25 in all Roman Catholic churches around the island, a Pink T-shirt Day at Anse Boileau school and a stroke awareness session at the Port Authority and an NGO week starting on Saturday, February 24, to Sunday, March 1.

"This year's activities reflect the nation's needs such as prayers and those aimed at showcasing moral values," explained Laurence.

The biggest event during the week will be the recognition ceremony on February 27 at the National Theatre at Mont Fleuri, which Laurence said "Is a way to thank the many men and women who have contributed to civil society over the years."

This year's Open Government Partnership (OGP) will also be launched at State House on Friday, March 1 to coincide with the United Nations (UN) Zero Discrimination Day. The OGP is an agreement that heads of state made at UN promising to work closer with civil society. In previous OGPs there were programmes made to make budgets more transparent.

"With the launch of the latest OGP, we will reveal the programmes we have planned for this year," said Laurence.

CEPS is also re-launching the volunteers award which will be held at the end of this year. The award was first launched in 2016, to encourage more people to develop an interest in volunteerism. The award was last held 2019.

"We are looking to raise the necessary funds to hold the event this year," said CEPS project manager Chantal Helene.

Activities will also be held on Praslin, the second most populated island. The activities on Praslin will include a Scouts Founders' Day at Baie Ste Anne and a tree planting ceremony.

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