Angola: Over Three Million Taxpayers Registered By Tax Administration

Luanda — At least 3.7 million taxpayers have been registered nationwide by the collection department of the General Tax Administration (AGT) from June 2023 to February 2024, the head of the AGT's Taxpayer Registration department, Carla Almeida said Thursday.

Speaking at the "Campaign to Update Official and Massive Taxpayer Registers", Almeida said the procedure is based on data from citizens' identity cards, which are shared with the Ministry of Justice.

The campaign, she said, is aimed at the initial registration of individual or corporate taxpayers who, to date, have not voluntarily fulfilled their tax responsibilities, such as obtaining their Tax Identification Number (NIF).

Carla Almeida explained that citizens without a NIF or with one that is out of date will experience restrictions on acts and services such as issuing invoices, making investments in real estate, carrying out financial intermediation, importing and exporting, access to issuing permits in their favor and various licenses, among others.

The official added that all foreign citizens who reside in Angola or carry out fiscal relevant commercial activities are also obliged to be registered.ASS/AC/TED/AMP

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