Angola: Over 80,000 Students Enrolled in First Phase of Angola's Vocational Training Institute

Luanda — At least 80.788 nationals across the country have been registered for the first phase of the training cycle at the National Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (INEFOP).

According to the Minister of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security (MAPTSS) Teresa Rodrigues Dias, who was speaking at the official opening of the 2024 training cycle, of this number, 60,271, are men and 20,500 women.

Teresa Dias said that 39,802 people are also enrolled in various vocational courses, and the target for this year is to train 120,000 people.

As part of the expansion and boosting of training infrastructures, the minister highlighted the recent inauguration of the Integrated Technological Training Centre (CINFOTEC) in Huambo.

The minister also highlighted the fact that this training year coincides with the entry into operation of the National Employment Fund (FUNEA) created by Presidential Decree.

FUNEA's main objective is to guarantee the financial resources needed to promote the integration of recent graduates and unemployed people into the labour market, by granting loans and other non-refundable incentives to young people attending professional training courses.

It also aims to finance projects by organizations in the National Vocational Training System, repayable funding for micro and small companies, as well as support for employment and self-employment through credit lines with financial institutions, and other actions that are relevant to vocational training.

"It's important to note that the financing model for the National Vocational Training System includes, in addition to the state and other public entities, the intervention of private companies, as active agents in boosting the actions of this system, since they absorb the different citizens trained in the various specialties," said the minister.

The minister added that the government has outlined a series of initiatives to guarantee this intervention, consolidated in the priority employment policy measures set out in the National Employment Agenda. LIN/ART/DAN/AMP

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