Zimbabwe: Germany Funds Climate Adaptation Project in Zimbabwe

4 March 2024

Germany has granted Euro 6.6 million ($7.4 million) to Zimbabwe for a climate adaptation project that aims to improve the livelihoods and ecosystems of rural communities in the southern African nation.

The project, launched by CARE International and its partners, is part of a larger initiative that covers three countries, including Mozambique and Zambia, with a total budget of Euro 19.9 million ($22.4 million).

The project, called Community-Based Adaptation: Scaling up Community Action for Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Southern Africa and Beyond (CBA-SCALE Southern Africa+), will benefit 18,800 direct beneficiaries and approximately 190,000 indirect beneficiaries in Bikita and Chiredzi districts of Zimbabwe.

The project will focus on building community resilience to climate change by enhancing water and food security, promoting sustainable land management, and supporting biodiversity conservation.

During the project launch, the German Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Udo Volz said that his country was committed to supporting vulnerable nations in adapting to the changing climate.

"Our commitment to the Paris Agreement underscores the importance we place on limiting global temperature rise and supporting vulnerable nations in adapting to the changing climate," the Ambassador said.

"In alignment with this policy, Germany actively engages in bilateral diplomatic arrangements with countries around the world, including Zimbabwe. We recognize the unique vulnerabilities that nations face in the wake of climate change, and it is our shared responsibility to work collaboratively towards sustainable solutions."

The Ambassador also praised the project's participatory and inclusive approach, which involves local communities, civil society, and government agencies in the planning and implementation of the adaptation interventions.

The project is expected to run for four years and will contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the National Development Plan, and the National Climate Policy of Zimbabwe.

The Environmental Management Agency (EMA) of Zimbabwe, one of the project's key partners, welcomed the German support and expressed its readiness to work with all stakeholders to ensure the project's success.

Amkela Sidange, the Director of Education and Publicity Manager for EMA, said that the project was aligned with the government's vision of leaving no one and no place behind.

"By engaging communities in the planning process, we are not only ensuring that interventions are context-specific but also fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment among our people," Sidange said. "This inclusive approach ensures that the most vulnerable among us are active participants in shaping their own destinies, as enshrined in the Government policy of leaving no one and no place behind."

Sidange also highlighted the importance of safeguarding Zimbabwe's ecosystems and biodiversity, which are threatened by climate change, deforestation, and land degradation.

"We are grateful to the German Government for this timely and generous support, which will help us to protect and restore our natural resources, which are the basis of our livelihoods and well-being," Sidange said.

The project launch was attended by representatives from the government, civil society, academia, media, and the local communities. The project will also collaborate with regional and international networks and platforms to share best practices and lessons learned from the community-based adaptation approach.

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