Algeria: Gecf - Call to Strengthen Cooperation in Investment to Address Challenges

Algiers — President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim Raissi called Saturday, in the works of the 7th Summit of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), held in Algiers, under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune, the member countries to exchange expertise in gas industry and gas transportation and to bolster cooperation in order to address the energy sector challenges amidst an evolving international geopolitical landscape.

Speaking at the summit, which took place at the Abdelatif-Rahal International Conference Center (CIC), the Iranian President noted that the 7th Algiers Gas Summit was being held amidst significant challenges, especially in the energy sector, due to international geopolitical changes, advocating for "increased cooperation among international communities to find solutions that enable overcoming these challenges."

Stressing the importance of "the appropriate utilization of gas as a clean and secure fuel," President Raisi urged GECF members to "develop new policies to better understand gas marketing techniques, with the aim of enhancing economic benefits and fostering joint investments."

The Iranian President said that "the GECF can expand its markets by leveraging investment funds and implementing mechanisms to attract investments."

Referring to the situation in Palestine, President Raisi affirmed that "the Zionist entity disregards all international charters," stressing the necessity of "entrusting the Palestinians to find a resolution."

After having hailed the Palestinian resistance against the occupier, the Iranian President called for "excluding the Zionist occupier from the United Nations" and "no longer dealing with this entity."

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