Tanzania: President Samia - Why Technology Is Crucial in Justice Delivery

President Samia Suluhu Hassan emphasized the crucial role of technology in promoting justice and development during her address at the Commonwealth Law Ministers Meeting on Monday.

Under the theme of "Technology and Innovation," President Samia highlighted Tanzania's commitment to harnessing digitalization within the judiciary to address challenges and improve access to justice.

She underscored the Tanzanian judiciary's efforts to tackle case backlogs through the adoption of electronic tools, virtual court sessions, e-filing systems, and artificial intelligence. These measures aim to enhance transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the legal system.

President Samia also acknowledged the government's support in adopting technology, particularly in facilitating connectivity across different courts through a fiber optic network.

Improving the criminal justice system, promoting fairness, efficiency, and upholding human rights were highlighted as priorities in Tanzania's judicial policy.

Additionally, she referenced the submission of a comprehensive report by the Tanzania Criminal Justice Commission in July 2023, outlining transformative measures to enhance the justice system.

Ambassador Pindi Chana, Minister of Constitution and Legal Affairs, echoed President Samia's sentiments, emphasizing Tanzania's dedication to advancing the rule of law, justice, and equality within the Commonwealth. Initiatives such as nationwide legal aid campaigns and awareness programs on legal education and human rights reflect Tanzania's commitment to ensuring justice for all citizens.

Commonwealth Secretary-General, Patricia Scotland, emphasized the importance of collective cooperation in addressing legal challenges and advancing justice globally. She highlighted the Commonwealth's role as the largest association of nations, bound by a common history, shared interests, and joint actions.

Secretary-General Scotland stressed the proactive utilization of legal mandates to translate commitments into tangible experiences for citizens.

The meeting provided a platform for dialogue, exchange of best practices, and the formation of partnerships to overcome legal hurdles facing member states.

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