Kenya: President Ruto Commits to Realization of Two-Thirds Gender Rule Before Completion of Term

Nairobi — President William Ruto has affirmed his commitment to realizing the elusive two-thirds gender rule before the conclusion of his term in office.

Speaking on Thursday during the launch of the Women Governors Caucus G7 Strategy in Nairobi, President Ruto assured that the Kenya Kwanza administration is dedicated to achieving gender inclusivity as enshrined in the constitution.

President Ruto emphasized the necessity of fulfilling the two-thirds gender rule, which has been a subject of contention for over a decade.

"When I did a memorandum to Parliament, I did not do it for political correctness, it is because I had made a commitment to the women in Kenya Kwanza that we would finally do something about this two-third gender rule and it has been a back and forth for now over 10 years," he said.

"I want to commit to the women of Kenya this time round this time round we will make sure that the two-thirds gender rule is attained."

He added that the commitment to implement the plan is contained in the National Dialogue Committee's (NADCO) proposal to parliament, which led to the establishment of the Multi-Sectoral Working Group that is being spearheaded by gender Cabinet Secretary Aisha Jumwa.

Ruto disclosed that he is committed to ensuring that, out of the 290 constituencies, at least one-third are women.

Ruto added that he would discuss with his deputy Rigathi Gachagua on the modalities that would allow inclusion of more women in leadership positions.

"We must, as a party, lead from the front and we must make it in the rules that when Ricky G. (Gachagua) and myself settle on how things will run in the future, we must also agree that going forward if a man is a candidate for president in our party, the woman must be the running mate , and if a woman is a candidate then man can be a running mate,"

Ruto said that the two third gender inclusion will only be achieved by being "deliberate and intentional."

He added that he had instructed the majority leader in the National Assembly, Kimani Ichung'wah, and the Parliamentary Group of Kenya Kwanza to ensure that the proposal became the official position of the party.

"I know there is a lot of calculus and mathematics and interpretations and what, but in the bill that is going to go to Parliament, we will make sure at least more women, and hopefully we can do this by next year, that more women get to leadership in Parliament."

President Ruto called for patience from women leaders as his administration works towards progressively implementing the two-thirds gender rule.

"Let us get what we think is attainable now, you guys [women leaders] know what you need to do, we can do that, then take it to the next level and finally get it to 50/50,"

The G7 caucus comprises the seven elected women governors in Kenya.

They include Kirinyaga's Ann Waiguru, her Machakos counterpart Wavinya Ndeti, Nakuru's Susan Kihika, Fatuma Achani(Kwale), Cecily Mbarire(Embu) and Kawira Mwangaza(Meru).

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