Zimbabwe: A Bahá'í perspective - Promoting Rights, Well-Being of Women

11 March 2024

Flora Teckie — Last Friday, the world commemorates the International Women's Day.

This day is a reminder of the important contributions women make to society, as well as a time to ponder how to protect their rights and promote their well-being.

Empowerment of women, and attaining their rightful equal status in society, is vital to the well-being of the earth and its people.

It is, at the same time, an essential aspect of a broader principle: the oneness of humanity.

In the context of the oneness of humanity, gender equality is not only a requirement of justice, but it is also a prerequisite for peace and prosperity.

While men and women are physically distinct, their spiritual identities are equal.

Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, states: "Women and men, have been and will always be equal in the sight of God".

Bahá'u'lláh further states: "Wert thou to attain to but a dewdrop of the crystal waters of divine knowledge, thou wouldst readily realise that true life is not the life of the flesh but the life of the spirit . . . "

Considering that our soul is everlasting and true life is the life of the spirit, we are told by the Universal House of Justice, the governing council of the Bahá'í international community that: " . . . the rational soul has no gender, race, ethnicity or class, a fact that renders intolerable all forms of prejudice, not the least of which are those that prevent women from fulfilling their potential and engaging in various? fields of endeavour shoulder to shoulder with men . . . "

Observing the human rights of every human being and belief in the oneness of humanity, are among the basic prerequisites leading to justice and ultimately to harmony and peace.

It is the requirement of justice that everyone is treated equally and with dignity.

But this has often not been the case when treating women -- one-half of the world's population. Hence, a pressing issue requiring fuller attention is a greater effort to accord women their rightful status and to re-move any barriers hindering their progress in our communities.

Contribution of women to the advancement of civilisation

Women play a central role in the development of our families, our communities, and nations.

As mothers, they are the first educators of children. The full participation of everyone, including women, is required for the well-being and advancement of society.

The Bahá'í International Community states that "The advancement of civilisation now requires the full participation of everyone, including women.

Women must, therefore, be educated, not only for the service they render to humanity as the first educators of children but ultimately, for the special contributions they make to the creation of a just world order, an order characterised by such compassion, vigor, and scope has never been seen in history".

When given their rightful status in society, women can become instruments for constructive change in our communities.

Empowerment of women, of course, must be more than economic empowerment.

According to the Bahá'í International Community, "Women play a pivotal role in social transformation for a more just, peaceful, and equitable world when they can meaningfully participate in every sphere of life".

Women's participation in all spheres of life is vital for the abolition of war, and the ultimate establishment of a united world.

The Bahá'í Writings say: "when women participate fully and equally in the affairs of the world . . . war will cease" and that "The emancipation of women, the achievement of full equality between the sexes, is one of the most important, though less acknowledged prerequisites of peace. Only as women are welcomed into full partnership (with men) in all fields of human endeavour will the moral and psychological climate be created in which international peace can emerge".

Women and men together can create a better world

The equality of women and men, of course, is not easily attained.

It requires education and patience with oneself and others, an unshakable determination, as well as moral and spiritual principles, which can facilitate the shift in values and attitudes of both women and men.

Women have to be aware of their rights and their capabilities. They must have the desire to improve themselves to realise their potential.

They must become educated and step forward into all spheres of life, contributing their particular qualities, skills, and experience to the social, economic, and political equation.

Men have to use their influence, particularly in the civil, political, and religious institutions they control, to promote the systematic inclusion of women.

This must not be done out of condescension or presumed self-sacrifice, but out of the belief that the contributions of women are required for the advancement of society.

Women and men together can create harmonious and peaceful societies and for this to happen, there must be a shift in the values, outlook, and conduct of both women and men.

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Website: www.bahai.org

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