Uganda: Kamuli Boda Operators Raise Concerns Over Attacks

14 March 2024

Boda boda operators in Kamuli are bitter over the high rate of insecurity in the district, this after the murder of two riders in a space of a week.

There is a growing concern of insecurity in Kamuli and the neighbouring districts of Buyende, Luuka and Kaliro over the increasing cases of motorcycles theft and murder of cyclists.

This follows the murder of James Munyegera on Monday evening and his motorcycle taken.

The incident happened in Kamuli town near Dauson Hotel where the deceased was hit by assailants left him serious injured and made away with his motorcycle.

He later succumbed to his injuries at Rubaga Mission Hospital in Kamuli town.

The riders allege that on average three motorcycles are stolen monthly leaving owners injured or murdered.

Swaib Kitimbo, the chairperson of Labour Stage in Kamuli Municipality, says their pleas to authorities to heighten security in the area has been falling on deaf ears as the cases increase every month.

"They target us when go to dark streets, they hit riders and take off with our motorcycles but when we get a suspected thief and hand him to Police, within a few days they're left scot-free," he said.

Another rider identified as Joshua Ibanda raised concern why most of the motorcycles taken are the ones gotten on loans from lending companies.

"These motorcycles come with trackinh devices but within no minute after it has been stolen the devices are removed, we are wondering they are the suppliers themselves who being these robberies," he stated.

However the District head of security RDC Rose Birungi acknowledged the insecurity aa one of the pressing issues they're handling as the District Security Committee.

Its true last year on average we registered theft of one motorcycle per week but the cases have reduced this year but we have heightened security.

She revealed that so far 20 people linked to motorcycle thefts have been arrested and charged.

Rose Birungi cautioned riders to dessist from working at awkward hours.

"Sometimes i move around at night but i find riders on stages at 2:00am and wonder where do they get passengers such awkward hours, they should endeavour to mind about their safety and lives," she said.

When contacted Busoga North Police spokesperson Micheal Kasadha said the crime rate has tremendously reduced compared to last year where the cases of motorcycles robbery were high.

"We are seeing a decline because it was worse last year but let the riders be calm as we increase our vigilance," Kasadha said.

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