Zimbabwe: Zanu-PF to Host the Former Liberation Movements Summit

14 March 2024

Zanu PF will host the Former Liberation Movements summit of Secretary generals in Victoria Falls from the 17-21st of March to sensitise the dangers of infiltration by former colonisers.

All Secretary generals from Frelimo of Mozambique, Chama Cha Mapinduzi of Tanzania, African National Congress party of South Africa, The People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola, Zanu PF- Zimbabwe, South West Africa People's Organisation of Namibia and the Botswana Democratic Party of Botswana.

Botswana will be attending as an observer.

Zanu PF Secretary General Dr Obert Mpofu said the summit is meant to sensitise each other as Liberation Movements on the dangers of infiltration by the detractors.

"We want to prepare ourselves from the destructive tendencies or approach by those who claim to be champions of democracy yet they are after destabilising the region. Quite a number of member states and liberation movements will be going through elections this year among them South Africa, Namibia and Mozambique," said Dr Mpofu.

The summit, he said was initiated by the Heads States of countries that fought in the liberation struggle in their respective countries.

Zimbabwe is the current chairperson of the Former Liberation Movement, with South Africa expected to take over at the summit.

Botswana, he said will be attending as an observer as they have been accepted in principle to be a member.

"We will be looking at a number of issues especially now that the region is threatened with an agenda which is very retrogressive that of regime change from our detractors," said Dr Mpofu.

Preparations, he said are going on well to host sister revolutionary parties.

The summit, Dr Mpofu said will result in a summit of Heads of State and Government based on what has been resolved by secretary generals.

"We are assuring the region and indeed all the liberation movements that we are together and we will not brook any interference from any of the detractors," he said.

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