Africa: Kristin Skogen Lund Will Be NRC's New Board Chair

Norwegian business leader Kristin Skogen Lund will be the new chair of the Board for the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). She will replace Harald Norvik.

NRC is the biggest humanitarian organisation in the Nordic countries. With over 15,000 staff working in over 40 countries, NRC provides support and protection to nearly 10 million displaced people in conflict and disaster areas.

"I visited Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya in 2016 as an ambassador for NRC and I was hugely impressed by their work. Since then, the need for aid to displaced people across the world has only increased and it feels truly meaningful for me to be allowed to lead the board and support the important work the organisation does," said Skogen Lund.

Skogen Lund holds a BA from the University of Oregon in the United States and an MBA from INSEAD in France. She has extensive experience as a business leader with several high-level positions. Among those as director general of The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise, director for Nordic activities and digital development in Telenor, and CEO of Aftenposten. In February, she announced that she was stepping down as the CEO of Schibsted but will remain in her position until a new leader is in place.

"We are very pleased to have secured a chairperson with such an extensive and varied leadership experience from impactful organisations and businesses with an international orientation. Large humanitarian organisations such as NRC are today facing complex challenges with record high levels of needs among displaced populations living in conflict zones across many areas of the world. Skogen Lund will continue the predictability and security we have had under the leadership of chairperson Harald Norvik," said Jan Egeland, secretary general of NRC.

Skogen Lund has been a board member of several international organisations and been a member of The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate and the ILO Global Commission of the future of work.

"NRC's election committee made an excellent decision in selecting Kristin as the proposed new chair of the Board. With Kristin, NRC gets an experienced leader, both from boards and big businesses. Kristin is an open, clear, and inclusive person who enables strong cooperation and processes," said Harald Norvik, current chair of the Board.

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