Angola: Submarine Cables Cut Causes Minimal Impact On the Internet

Luanda — The telecommunications company Angola Cables acknowledges the existence of a minimal impact on the failure of internet access, as a result of the cut in international submarine cables WACS, SAT-3, MainOne and ACE, located on the West coast of Africa.

According to the company, the incident that occurred this week "did not affect international communications", despite some degradation in quality.

According to a press release to which ANGOP had access today, "it is still not known for sure what the reasons were that led to the cutting of the cables, but Angola Cables assures that the impact at national level and in the remaining African countries is being minimized by redirecting international communications to the SACS cable, which connects Angola directly to Brazil and then to the United States of America and Europe."

Angola Cables has a network backup and restoration solution, using cables that were not affected by the aforementioned incident, namely SACS + EllaLink.

However, the telecommunications company ensures that its technical teams are working diligently to guarantee the stability of services for African operators who need these services. CPM/QCB/DOJ

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