Angola: Parliament to Discuss Draft Law On Illegal Mining Activity

Luanda — The Proposed Law on Combating Illegal Mining Activity, which criminalizes the illicit exploitation of mineral resources, will be voted on and discussed, in general, at the Plenary Meeting of the National Assembly (AN) scheduled for the 21st and 22nd Of this month.

The decision was made Friday at the Conference of Parliamentary Leaders, guided by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Carolina Cerqueira.

The Joint Opinion Report of the document, which defines rapid procedures for the confiscation and appropriation in favor of the State of instruments and proceeds of crime, was approved a few days ago by Parliament's committees without any votes against.

The Executive's Legislative initiative aims to discourage and criminalize conduct from the illicit exploitation of mineral resources that generate harmful impacts on the environment, human life, public health, the subsistence of communities, the economy and consequent development.

The Proposed Law to Combat Illegal Mining Activity, considered by the Council of Ministers in January this year, aims to introduce a specific legal regime to combat illegal mining activity that establishes penalties appropriate to the severity of the typified conduct and results, as well as defining procedures rapid loss and appropriation in favor of the State.

In addition, the Plenary of the National Assembly will discuss and approve other Bills, with emphasis on the Agreement that establishes Africa 50, the SADC Protocol on Environmental Management for Sustainable Development and the Adherence to the Declaration on Transnational Organized Crime in Global Fishing Industry.

According to the first secretary of the Board of the National Assembly, Manuel Lopes Dembo, the National Assembly Plenary will also discuss and vote on three Bills on the Adoption of Minors. DC/SC/DOJ

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