Mozambique: Bad Start in Many Places - Even District Administrators Had Problems Registering

In Zambézia two district administrators had trouble registering. In Ile District, it took 30 minutes to register district administrator Onório das Dores Pereira Vaz because of problems with the computer which printed the voter card twice with letters back to front. The administrator only obtained his card on the third attempt. It then took 30 minutes to register the chairperson of the district elections commission, because of the slowness of the typist. In the post at the Morrumbala Industrial School, the district administrator was unable to update his voter card because the machine broke down.

At the Vanduzi EPC, in Manica province the brigade did not open the post at the scheduled time. According to the voters, the post was opened at 10.00 and the first to register was the district administrator. Then nurses and teachers registered - which in effect meant registering Frelimo voters first, which had been ruled illegal by the CNE last year. Registration of queuing voters only began at 12:30. Some voters complained that they had been in the queue since 04.00, and by 12:35 they had not yet been registered.

On the first day of voter registration in Xai-Xai, Gaza province, two brigades visited did not open at the time stipulated by law. These were the brigades at the Amilcar Cabral first level EPC, in the Coca-Missava 6th neighbourhood, and the brigade at the Unit 11 EPC. At the two brigades the party monitors from RENAMO and the MDM were absent. At the brigade at the Unit 11 EPC, work was slow due to poor mastery of the machine. It was taking between 8 and 11 minutes to register each voter.

More than ten of the registration posts visited did not display the brigade identification number or even the CNE posters. To obtain the number of the post, we had to ask brigade members.
At registration post number 021323, in the Mucapane EPC, in Moamba district, Maputo province, the machines were experiencing breakdowns. According to the supervisor, the brigade began its activities at 07.00. But by 11.00 only one voter had registered. The STAE staff member said the voters should be sent home.

In Maxixe, Inhambane, at the registration post in the Mabil EPC, brigade number 87, registration began late. The delay was due to a lack of cables to print the voter cards. The voters are obliged to return the following day to pick up their cards.

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