South Africa: Diamond Dealer Louis Liebenberg Helps Boost Mk's Gauteng Fortunes


The uMkhonto Wesizwe party, led by former President Jacob Zuma, is making inroads in Gauteng.

On Saturday evening, at the Maslow Times Square in Pretoria, former president Jacob Zuma charmed a gathering lassoed together by the diamond dealer Louis Liebenberg.

At the upmarket conference centre, a gathering spot of the city's who's who, Liebenberg sat listening attentively as Zuma addressed the crowd, promising that white people would be safe if the uMkhonto Wesizwe (MK) party came to power.

"We developed, all of us, from the old days to today. We will always say, let us be together, let us unite. We are not going to kill anyone. Not at all. During the armed struggle there was an agreement, if you arrest you don't kill. All liberation movement [sic] did not come back with impimpis [informers]. We came back with them. This indicates how we were looking at the future," he said, according to this News24 report.

Liebenberg is a well-known Zuma benefactor. He gave cows to the former president and co-funded his court case against prosecutor Billy Downer and journalist Karyn Maughan. For more on Liebenberg's colourful past, see Marianne Thamm's essay here.

The MK party made a weekend of it and the day after the Liebenberg meeting, it held a recruitment drive...

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