Uganda: Kitutu Dropped, Balaam Eats Big As Museveni Reshuffles Ministers

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni.
21 March 2024

President Museveni has made changes in his cabinet by dropping the Minister for Karamoja Affairs, Mary Goretti Kitutu and replacing her with Peter Lokeris.

Kitutu is currently facing charges related to swindling iron sheets meant for the Karachuna warriors in Karamoja.

In a reshuffle which has seen few changes, Kampala businessman and events promoter Balaam Barugahara Ateenyi has been appointed the state minister for children and youth affairs.

Here is the new cabinet list in full

  • I hereby inform the country that By virtue of the authority given to the President of Uganda by Articles: 108(2), 108A(1), 113(1) and 114(1) of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, That here below I publish a slightly amended list of the cabinet of Uganda:
  1. H.E. the Vice president - HON. JESSICA ALUPO MAJ ( RTD);
  1. Rt. Hon Prime Minister - RT. HON. ROBINAH
  • And Leader of Government NABBANJA;
  • Business in Parliament


  1. 1st Deputy Prime Minister and - RT. HON. REBECCA Minister for East African KADAGA; Community Affairs
  1. 2nd Deputy Prime minister - RT. HON. GEN.

and Deputy leader of Government MOSES ALI; Business in Parliament

  1. 3rd Deputy Prime Minister and - HON. LUKIA Minister without Port-folio NAKADAMA;
  1. Minister of Education and Sports - HON. MUSEVENI


  1. Minister, office of the President - MS MARIAM DHOKA (Presidency) BABALANDA;
  1. Minister, office of the President - HON. JIM
  • (Security) MUHWEEZI;
  1. Minister, office of the President - DR. MUSENERO Serviced by the State House MONICA; Comptroller, in Charge of Science, Technology and Innovation
  1. Minister for Kampala Capital - HAJATI MINSA and Metropolitan Affairs KABANDA;
  1. Minister, office of the Prime - RT. HON. KASULE Minister (General duties) LUMUMBA;
  1. Government Chief Whip - OBUA DENIS HAMSON;
  1. Minister, Office of the Prime - HON. ONEK Minister (Relief, Disaster HILARY; Preparedness and Refugees)
  1. Minister for Karamoja Affairs - HON. PETER LOKERIS;
  1. Minister of Agriculture, Animal - HON. FRANK
  • Industry and Fisheries TUMWEBAZE;
  1. Minister of Constitutional - HON. NOBERT MAO; Affairs
  1. Attorney General - MR. KIRYOWA


  1. Minister of Defence and - HON. OBOTH
  • Veterans Affairs MARKSON JACOB;
  1. Minister of Energy and Minerals - HON. RUTH
  • Development NANKABIRWA;
  1. Minister of Finance, Planning - HON. MATIA
  • and Economic Development KASAIJA;
  1. Minister of Foreign Affairs - HON. JEJE ODONGO ABUBAKAR;
  1. Minister of Gender, Labour - HON. BETTY and Social Development AMONGI;
  1. Minister of Health - HON. JANE ACENG;
  1. Minister of Information, - DR. CHRIS Communications Technology BARYOMUNSI; and National Guidance
  1. Minister of Internal Affairs - HON. KAHINDA OTAFIIRE;
  1. Minister of Lands, Housing - HON. JUDITH and Urban Development NABAKOOBA;
  1. Minister of Local Government - HON. RAPHAEL MAGYEZI;
  1. Minister of Public service - HON. MURUULI MUKASA;
  1. Minister of Tourism, - HON. TOM BUTIME; Wildlife and antiquities
  1. Minister of Trade, Industry - HON. FRANCIS and Cooperatives MWEBESA;
  1. Minister of Water and - HON. CHEPTORIS Environment SAM MANGUSHO;
  1. Minister of Works - HON. EDWARD and Transport KATUMBA WAMALA;


Office of the President:

  1. Minister of State, Office of the - HON. BEATRICE President (Economic Monitoring) AKELLO;
  1. Minister of State, Office of the - HON. AKELLO ROSE;
  • President (Ethics and Integrity)

Office of the Vice President:

  1. Minister of State, Office of - HON. MUTASINGWA the Vice President DIANA NANKUNDA;

Office of the Prime Minister:

  1. Minister of State, Office of the - HON. LILLIAN ABER; Prime Minister (Relief, Disaster Preparedness and refugees)
  1. Minister of State, Office of the - DR OMONA Prime Minister (Northern Uganda) KENETH;
  1. Minister of State, Office of the - HON. WAMALA

Prime Minister (Karamoja) NAMBOZO FLORENCE;

  1. Minister of State, Office of the - HON. ALICE Prime Minister (Luwero Triangle KABOYO; -Rwenzori Region)
  1. Minister of State, Office of the - HON. KACHA Prime Minister (Bunyoro Affairs) NAMUYANGU JENIPHER;
  1. Minister of State, Office of the - HON. DR. OBOTE Prime Minister (Teso Affairs) ONGALO;

Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries:

  1. Minister of State for Agriculture, - HON. FRED Animal Industry and BWINO Fisheries (Agriculture) KYAKULAGA;
  1. Minister of State for Agriculture, - HON. BRIGHT Animal Industry and RWAMIRAMA; Fisheries (Animal Industry)
  1. Minister of State for Agriculture, - HON. ADOA Animal Industry and HELLEN; Fisheries (Fisheries)

Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs:

  1. Deputy Attorney General - HON. KAFUUZI JACKSON;

Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs

  1. Minister of State for Defense - HON. SARAH and Veteran Affairs (Defence) NYIRABASHITSI MATEKE;
  1. Minister of State for Defence - HON. OLERU HUDA; and Veteran Affairs (Veteran Affairs)

Ministry of East African Affairs

  1. Minister of State for East - HON. MAGODE IKUYA;
  • African Affairs

Ministry of Education and Sports:

  1. Minister of State for Education - HON. DR. MUYINGO and Sports (Higher Education) JOHN CHRYSOSTOM;
  1. Minister of State for Education - HON. DR. MORIKU and Sports (Primary Education) JOYCE KADUCU;
  1. Minister of State for Education - HON. PETER OGWANG;
  • and Sports (Sports)

Ministry of Energy and Minerals Development:

  1. Minister of State for Energy and - HON. OKASAI Minerals Development (Energy) SIDRONIUS OPOLOT;
  1. Minister of State for Energy and - HON. NYAMUTORO
  • Minerals Development (Minerals) PHIONA;

Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development:

  1. Minister of State for Finance, - HON. HENRY MUSAASIZI;
  • Planning and Economic Development (General Duties)
  1. Minister of State for Finance, - HON. AMOS LUGOLOOBI; Planning and Economic Development (Planning)
  1. Minister of State for Finance, - HON. ANITE EVELYN; Planning and Economic Development (Privatization and Investment)
  1. Minister of State for Finance, - HON. KYEYUNE Planning and Economic HARUNA KASOLO; Development (Micro-Finance)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

  1. Minister of State for Foreign - HON. ORYEM OKELLO; Affairs (International Affairs)
  1. Minister of State for Foreign - HON. JOHN MULIMBA; Affairs (Regional Affairs)

Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development:

  1. Minister of State for Gender, - HON. PEACE MUTUZO; Labour and Social Development (Gender and Culture)
  1. Minister of State for Gender, - MR. BALAM Labour and Social Development BARUGAHARA; (Youth and Children Affairs)
  1. Minister of State for Gender, - HON. ANYAKUN Labour and Social Development ESTHER DAVINIA; (Employment and Industrial Relations)
  1. Minister of State for Gender, - HON. HELLEN Labour and Social Development ASAMO; (Disability Affairs)
  1. Minister of State for Gender, - HON. GIDUDU Labour and Social Development MAFABI; (Elderly Affairs)

Ministry of Health:

  1. Minister of State for Health - HON. BANGIRANA KAWOYA; (General Duties)

34.Minister of State for Health - HON. MARGARET

(Primary Health Care) MUHAANGA;

Ministry of Information, Communications Technology and National Guidance:

  1. Minister of State for Information, - HON. JOYCE National Guidance (Information) SEBUGWAWO;
  1. Minister of State for Information, - HON. KABYANGA Communications Technology and GODFRY BARUKU; National Guidance (National Guidance)

Ministry of internal Affairs:

  1. Minister of State for - HON. DAVID MUHOOZI; internal Affairs

Ministry of Kampala capital City and Metropolitan Affairs:

  1. Minister of State for Kampala - HON. KABUYE KYOFA;

capital City and Metropolitan Affairs:

Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development:

  1. Minister of State for Lands, Housing - HON. NAMUGANZA and Urban Development (Housing) PERSIS;
  1. Minister of State for Lands, Housing - HON. OBIGA KANIA; and Urban Development (Urban Development)
  1. Minister of State for Lands, - HON. SAM MAYANJA; Housing and Urban Development (Lands)

Ministry of Local Government:

  1. Minister of State for Local Government - HON. VICTORIA


Ministry of public Service

  1. Minister of State for public Service - HON. GRACE MARY MUGASA;

Ministry of tourism Wildlife and Antiquities:

  1. Minister of State for tourism and Antiquities - HON. MARTIN MUGARRA;

Ministry of trade, industry and Cooperatives

45.Minister of State for Trade - HON. GUME FREDRICK;

Industry and Cooperatives (Cooperatives)

  1. Minister of State for trade, industry - HON. BAHATI DAVID;
  • and Cooperatives (Industry)
  1. Minister of State for trade, industry - GEN. WILSON MBASU MBADI;
  • and Cooperatives (Trade)

Ministry of Water and Environment:

  1. Minister of State for water and - HON BEATRICE ANYWAR;
  • Environment (environment)
  1. Minister of State for water and - HON. AISHA SEKKINDI;
  • Environment (Water)

Ministry of works and Transport:

  1. Minister of State for works and - HON. MUSA ECHWERU;
  • Transport (Works)
  1. Minister of State for works and - HON. FRED BYAMUKAMA;
  • Transport (Transport)
  • Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Gen. (rtd)

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