Kenya: 18,650 Bars Shut Down in War Against Illicit Brews - Kindiki

Kisii — 18,650 liquor joints have been closed down in the ongoing fight against illicit killer brews and narcotic drugs by the government.

Out of this, 6, 500 premises had valid licences but were found to have contravened the Alcoholics Control Act.while 12,150 joints were operating without licenses.

Speaking in Kisii Main prison Interior Cabinet Secretary Professor Kithure Kindiki the government has further shut down 14 distilleries and destroyed their equipment after they were found to be operating against the laws.

"the government is determined to eradicate the menace once and for all by applying the law firmly," Said Kindiki.

The CS said the government is sustaining the war on a permanent basis the way it has sustained the war on other serious national security threats.

He added ,poisonous drinks and drugs have affected the youth making them unproductive but since they commenced the fight against illicit brew, other related crimes have gone low and this will be the trend going forward.

" Kenyans, and especially the youth, should engage in other productive activities instead of wasting their lives on drugs and substance abuse," said Kindiki.

Professor Kindiki said the excuse of joblessness cannot be used to approve the kind of conduct that was being witnessed among the youth in both urban and rural centers.

In Kisii, the CS noted that 95 suspects had been arrested and arraigned in the ongoing nationwide crackdown and seized about 40,000 litres of illicit poisonous drinks ,destroyed breweries and premises selling illegal drinks.

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