Mozambique: 26 Registration Sites Unable to Function in Marracuene District

The Marracuene district STAE announced on Sunday (24 March) that, of the 74 registration posts in the district, 26 do not have the minimum conditions for operating, after the rains that struck Maputo city and province, and some districts in Gaza and Inhambane provinces.

This is the list of the places where registration has been interrupted in Marracuene district:
1. Muzugula
2. Samora Machel Q 4
3. Samora Machel Q.14 Tihunhine
4. Mapulango blue container
5. Massinga D Canhueiro
6. Mavi
7. Nguelele
8. Gwava Terminal
9. Timuntanine
10. Mumemo New terminal xinlhobswanine
11. Pazimane Gadjela
12. Mapulango Q 21 - Mafureira
13. Mali Q.10 Nkanhine
14. Fão Ka Xivunguane
15. EPC 29 September
16. EPC Maguiguiana
17. EPC Força do Povo
18. Ponta Maçaneta
19. Gimo Cossa nwaxitambela
20. Bobole Q.88
21. Correia de Gwava mission
22. Nandza
23. Nhongonhane Q 6
24. Massinga Q.1
25. EPC 16 June
26. EPC Bolaze

The STAE district director in Matutuine, Domingos Matsombe, announced today (25 March) that 9,659 voters have been registered out of the 39.960 forecast. Last year Domingos Matsombe was STAE district director in Matola, involved in the polemical manipulation of the election results in favour of Frelimo. This case is still under way in the courts.
The registration posts at the Zitundo and Ponta D’Ouro, in Matutuine district, Maputo province, closed their doors on Sunday due to the torrential rain.


The post at the Machaila EPC, in Mapai district, on Monday (25 March) suffered a machine breakdown. The printer at the Milagre Mabote EPC, in Limpopo district, has been out of order for three days. At the Chipenhe EPC, also in Limpopo district, we noted a malfunction in the PVC machine, which does not print cards.

In Chókwè city, at the post in the 3rd neighbourhood EPC, there have been problems with the printer since the start of the registration. The technical team has not yet gone to the post because of the rains. The registration post at the Liberdade neighbourhood, in Mandlakazi, has no electricity The Eduardo Mondlane EPC, in Limpopo district, also has no electric power.

The post at the Macia Secondary School opened 30 minutes late due to a breakdown of the vehicle carrying the brigade members. The post at the Chókwè city 7th neighbourhood EPC only opened at 09.00, because of the rain. Brigade no. 6, in the Wagapulane neighbourhood, in Xai-Xai city, has difficulty in access to the registration post because the roads are flooded and full of mud. Inhambane
At the Dongane EPC, in Inharrime district, registration is slow because of problems with the Mobiles and the printer.


The rains which have been falling intermittently since yesterday (24 March) in Chimoio city, are compromising the work of the brigades, who stay until the end of the day with few voters registered.
The brigade working at 1st June primary school is an example of this. The voters have no place where they can form a queue. With the rain falling “it’s not easy. Nobody wants to get wet and to jump over pools of water to reach here”, said one brigade member, speaking on condition of anonymity


There is a poor turnout at the 1st May registration post in Gorongosa town.One of the machines is out of order, but the other is functioning normally.
One of the mobiles installed in the AZEMO school, in Macurungo neighbourhood, in Beira city, has been out of order since yesterday (24 March). Today STAE was obliged to replace the malfunctioning machine. The number of voters is tending to fall, compared with the initial days.

In the Nova Chamba 1 EPC, in Inhamizua, in Beira, one of the two mobiles has been out of order since yesterday, and the STAE technician has not yet come to the post.
At the registration post in the Nhabia EPC, in Marínguè district, there was agitation among the voters, because the printer was not printing cards. The voters demanded that the cards be printed, and they did not want to go home without their cards.

Yesterday (25 March), at the Buzi EPC many people were being registered but they have not been receiving cards since yesterday at 12.00. Today it was still not possible to receive the cards. At the Matondo registration post, in Cheringoma district, the machine was still not printing voter cards.

At the Heróis Moçambicanos EPC, in Chaimite neighbourhood, in Beira, registration was limited by problems with electricity in the voter registration room. The solar panel installed by STAE is not transmitting power to themobile and the printer. The voters are obliged to go home.

At registration post no. 168, in the 1st May EPC, in Gorongosa, only one machine was working. The other had problems of charging because of the electrical current.
In Dondo district, some registration posts were paralysed because of the rain. The same was true of the post at the Chindo EPC, in Buzi.


691 voters have been registered at the Chimidzilo post, in Banga locality, inTsangano
district. The brigade at this post is facing the problem of a printer that does not print the bulletins. Elections 2023-2024 - Bulletin on the Political Process in Mozambique 231 – 26 March 2024 5 Due to the bad weather, there were problems recharging the mobile at the Akuthemba post and a malfunction of the Mobile-ID at the Nkoldzi post, inTsangano.
In Angónia, the registration post at the Chindeque Basic School is only partially functional due to a problem with the mother board which means that the machines do not hold their charge for long.

A STAE vehicle overturned last Saturday in Mágoè, in Tete province. We learnt that it was to be used to transport bicycles, solar panels and other equipment in areas without electricity.


The registration posts at Nacaca EPC, Mpaka, Tutua, Contocuane, and Muripa were paralysed due to printer breakdowns.
At the Gundasse registration post, in Derre, about 35 km from the town, there are problems of the Mobile discharging. This problem affects almost all the districts. By 10.00, at the Gundasse post, the voters were going home.

At the post in the Namuno Basic School, in Derre, the activities were paralyzed due to a machine breakdown. From early in the morning, the population was obliged to go home after they were informed of the machine malfunction. By 14.44 today (25 March) the post remained deserted with no sign of voters or of the STAE team to repair the machine.

At the post in the Mugubia EPC, in Pida locality, in Namacurra, a printer ran out of ink yesterday at 10.00. Today, a brigade member went into the town to fetch ink.

At the post in the Maticula EPC, in Derre, there is an influx of citizens wanting to exercise their civic right, after two days when the machine was not functioning for lack of charge.

There was a delay in opening the post at the Malinguine EPC, in Namacurra, because the supervisor with the keys arrived late. Registration only began at 09.36. The potential voters were kept waiting.

At the Pedreira Alta post, in Alto Molócuè, the days pass and the mobiles remain out of order. The citizens who seek registration services are becoming tired.


An equipment breakdown at the post in the Namialo-sede EPC, in Meconta district, halted voter registration today (25 March).
The Nahedje registration post, in Mogovolas, has been paralysed for 3 days due to a breakdown in the mobile ID.
There are signs of sabotage of the mobile at the 25 September EPC, in Nacala-Port. Recently the machine has been out of order from 09.00 to 16.00.
At Namachichine EP1, brigade no. 235, post 254, and at Munoce EPC, brigade no. 234, post 253, in Lalaua district, there are printer problems.
At the post located in the Nacopo Basic School, in Nacarôa, the brigade members are not working due to a printer malfunction.

At registration post no. 33, in Palacue, in Liupo, at 14.00 registration was interrupted due to lack of charge in the mobile. This also caused late opening of the post yesterday (25 March); At the Nacopa EP1, in Muecate, there was a delay in starting the work due to lack of charge in the equipment. The post installed in Mulapane, in Nacarôa,also opened late due to breakdowns.

Likewise brigade no. 226, post 243, in the Namarepo EPC, in Lalaua district, opened late due to supposed malfunctions.
At the Iuluti Basic School, in Mogovolas, voters are not receiving their cards due to a lack of ink for printing the cards.. At the post at Namitanari, in Liupo, registration was paralysed in the early hours due to the rain that fell on Monday morning (25 March).

Cabo Delgado

At the registration post in the Nangade EPC, in the district of the same name, we noted a printer malfunction; At post no. 3, brigade no. 3, in Sembene locality, in Mecufi, the machine that prints the cards is not working.
Elections 2023-2024 - Bulletin on the Political Process in Mozambique 231 – 26 March 2024 6 In Muinde, post no. 4, brigade 6 and 7, in Mecufi, there are difficulties in recharging the machines.

The rain which fell over the last 4 days in Mecúfi, forced registration to stop in three posts, namely post no. 16 of brigade 10, and posts 08 and 11 of brigades 05 and 06, located in Maueia, 3rd February and Natuco, due to difficulty in recharging the machines with solar panels.

In the Matuto 1 EPC, in Montepuez, brigade members packed away the machines early because of the rain.


There are citizens who, since the voter registration began, have still not managed to register because of constant malfunctions of the equipment. An example of this is the registration post in the Nsmpiri area, in Mandimba district, 2 kms from the town.
The Lutuesse post, in Muembe, is facing restrictions in issuing voter cards. There is a crowd of citizens, but with a limited issuing of cards. Voters are registered, but their cards are not printed. 15 kms from Mandimba town, in the village of Muita, the post is not operating due to low temperatures and overcast skies, which prevents the recharging of the solar panels.

At the Cuvir post, in Metarica district, in Niassa, the voters abandoned the post due to the slowness of registration. This was due to the weak current produced by the panels.
At the 24 June EPC, in the Chimbunila district capital, registration began late, because in the early hours, the sky was overcast, and the solar panel was not recharging enough energy for the operation of the mobile.

In Majune district, in Niassa province, there are complaints of slowness at the Malanga-Sede Basic School, which angers the voters in the queues.

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