Tunisia: Cabinet Meeting Approves Number of Draft Laws and Decrees

Tunis, April 4 — The Cabinet approved a number of draft laws and decrees of an economic and social nature during its meeting on Thursday, chaired by Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani.

Draft laws

-A draft law approving the guarantee contract signed on 22 December 2023 between Tunisia and the German Reconstruction Loan Corporation (KfW) for a loan to the Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company (TEG) to contribute to the financing of the Tunisia-Europe electricity interconnection project (ELMED).

Draft decrees

- A draft decree amending Decree No. 2278/2001 of September 25, 2001 on the application of the provisions of Articles 15, 29, 35, 36 and 37 of the Code of Collective Labour Institutions promulgated by Law No. 83/2001 of July 24, 2001.

- A draft decree regulating the system of remuneration for the various types of teaching staff and those performing exceptional work at the National Customs School.

- A draft decree amending Government Decree No. 93 of January 19, 2017 on the extension of the deadline granted to microcredit associations to comply with Decree No. 117 of November 5, 2011 regulating the activities of microfinance institutions.

The draft decree concerns microcredit associations financed by the Tunisian Solidarity Bank from the Tunisian state budget. Microcredit is intended to promote economic and social inclusion by financing an income-generating and job-creating activity, as well as the financing of necessities to improve living conditions.

It should be noted that the beneficiaries of microcredits are natural persons belonging to poor families and vulnerable groups who have the capacity to engage in economic activity or who are skilled in a profession, craft or income-generating activity.

- A draft decree amending Government Decree No. 476 of June 28, 2021, establishing the amount of the special expense allowance for direct employees of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing.

- A draft decree amending and supplementing Government Decree No. 357 of March 21, 2019 on the organisation of the Ministry of State Property and Land Affairs.

- A draft decree organising the regional departments of State Property and Land Affairs and defining their responsibilities.

- A draft decree granting public interest status to the rehabilitation of the Wadi Chaabouni industrial zone in the governorate of Sfax.

- A draft decree regulating the administrative and financial organisation of the National Anti-Doping Agency and its working methods.

- A draft decree revising and supplementing Decree No. 499 of April 27, 1974 on the system of old-age, disability and survivors' benefits in the non-agricultural sector.

- A draft decree on the organisation of search and rescue at sea.

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