South Africa: As Democracy Wanes Across the Globe, Election Observers Play a Pivotal Role


Election observation serves as a cornerstone of democratic governance, promoting transparency, accountability and public confidence in electoral processes worldwide.

There has been much ado about election observers in the past couple of weeks, with some views taking bizarrely comical turns, as has become common in any electoral season in South Africa.

The undeniable truth, however, is that election observation (a long-standing international and local practice) plays a pivotal role in ensuring the integrity, transparency and fairness of electoral processes worldwide.

It serves as a critical mechanism for promoting democratic values, safeguarding human rights and enhancing public trust in electoral outcomes. Through impartial monitoring and assessment, election observation helps identify irregularities, mitigate potential conflicts and uphold the principles of free and fair elections.

As democracy wanes across the globe, upholding electoral integrity is now more critical than ever.

Election observation entails a range of activities by domestic and international observers before, during and after elections. These observers, drawn from various organisations including government bodies, civil society groups and international institutions, monitor different aspects of the electoral process, such as voter registration, campaign activities, polling operations and the tabulation of results.

Normally, during the pre-election phase, established observer missions will assess the legal framework, electoral administration and voter registration processes to ensure they are inclusive, transparent and compliant with international standards....

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