South Africa: 'If We Can Just Stop Taxi Violence' - Ricardo Mackenzie Reflects On His First Year As Western Cape Mobility MEC


It's been just over a year since the Western Cape Department of Mobility was launched, with MEC Ricardo Mackenzie in charge. During this time, the province has undergone a crippling taxi strike, bus price increases and a limited train service.

Western Cape MEC for Mobility Ricardo Mackenzie would give himself a distinction -- or eight out of 10 -- for his performance in a department that has been in effect since 1 April 2023.

In an interview this week at his Cape Town office, Mackenzie recalled the challenges the province's transport sector has faced in the past year: increased bus fares, limited improvement of rail transport and a devastating taxi strike.

Transportation in the province previously fell under the ambit of the Department of Transport and Public Works. Then, during his State of the Province Address in 2022, Western Cape Premier Alan Winde announced the new Department of Mobility.

Mackenzie was appointed as MEC for the department in February 2023. One of the immediate challenges he faced was a planned stayaway by the taxi industry, which was, however, called off after negotiations.

In August, however, the province was hit by a devastating taxi strike.

"That was a very challenging experience, as you can imagine," Mackenzie said.

"Strikes are disruptive by nature ... that's why it's called a strike ... but the ensuing violence, the criminality that had been associated with the strike, that was the most disruptive...

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