Uganda: Nup Deputy Spokesperson Tells Among to Back Off Kadaga

Waiswa Mufumbiro was speaking at the funeral of the late Ramathan Waiswa, the younger brother of Bugweri County MP Abdu Katuntu. Present was Speaker Anita Among

BUGWERI | The Deputy Spokesperson of the National Unity Platform (NUP) party, Waiswa Mufumbiro, has asked Speaker of Parliament Anita Among to diatribe directed at her predecessor Rebecca Kadaga.

Mufumbiro, who was on Thursday speaking from Bugiri in Busoga sub-region at a burial attended by Ms Among, said Basoga people pride in Kadaga for being their mother.

"Instead of eating the loot she gets from government, she has decided to make frequent attacks on an innocent person like Kadaga," he said.

Several chiseled collars, including embattled NUP top dog Mathias Mpuuga and Uganda Law Society chief Bernard Oundo, descended on Bugweri in Bugiri to pay their last respects to Ramathan Waiswa, a lawyer who was killed in an accident on the Paliisa to Kumi highway on Wednesday.

The late Waiswa the younger brother of Bugweri County MP Abdu Katuntu.

Mufumbiro's message follows Speaker Among's controversial statements at her marital home village in Buyende District in which her veiled message about "old women from Kamuli" fighting to return to the Speaker's job was interpreted by many as directed at Kadaga.

Kamuli is Kadaga's home district and when Among told Buyende populace that they were impoverished while the neighbouring Kamuli was developed, the alarms were loud.

Among also spoke of the people of Busoga wallowing in poverty yet Kadaga was in a very powerful position for almost three terms.

But a solemn ceremony like this particular burial was not heavily politicised with several mourners paying tribute to the late Waiswa.

Bugweri County MP Abdu Katuntu (in white tunic) and relatives and friends The youthful lawyer, who famously represented a Jinja youth, Brian Isiko, in a case of stalking then Kabarole Woman MP Sylvia Rwabwogo, was reportedly travelling back to Kampala after attending a court session in Soroti when he met his death.

Pallisa Resident District Commissioner Majidu Dhikusoka told mourners that the driver of the Toyota Prado, Ronald Waiswa, who was also killed, was speeding when he lost control of the vehicle and overturned several times three kilometres from where they had overtaken him.

"the driver lost control of the vehicle at a sharp bend at Akodet Village," he said.

Dhikusoka urged motorists to always drive within the recommended speed limit.

"We all know that it's Gods plan to give and take away but some things can be avoided," he added.

Law society boss Bernard Oundo described the deceased as an intelligent, humorous person who always shared ideas with colleagues that are beneficial in handling issues of their clients.

"Whenever you could meet him he had an idea that he would present that is useful for colleagues in the profession or handling issues of our clients," Oundo said.

Mathias Mpuuga (left) and Patrick Amuriat of FDC were in attendance. Bugweri District chairman Shafiq Muziransa urged the government to elevate Bugweri Health Centre IV to a district hospital since it currently handles a big number of patients from the neighbouring districts of Bugiri, Iganga and Namutumba.

"Since we are also located along the main highway many accident victims are admitted to the facility yet it lacks many things like an x ray machine," Hajj Muziransa said.

He asked the government to speed up the delivery of road equipment to reduce costs it incurs towards hiring machinery for renovation and upgrading of the road network.

"We are the only district countrywide that never received road equipment yet most our roads are in a very sorry state," he said.

Former Leader of the Opposition Mathias Mpuuga cautioned politicians to desist from making jokes but always be focused and serious minded in case they are to serve the country freely and fairly.

Mpuuga, without making a specific reference to anyone, said some Opposition leaders holding top positions have been moving around making statements without making consultations making them look like they are comedians.

MP Katuntu said he almost fainted and was rushed to hospital after developing pressure upon receiving the news of the sudden death of his brother.

"My wife rushed me to hospital because I had developed blood pressure when I just got the news that my brother had died," he said.

The late Waiswa, who is survived by a wife and three children, had previously declared his intentions to contest for Busembatya Municipality MP seat.

Speaker Among contributed Shs100 million towards construction of Bugweri District Muslim Headquarters.

Among promised to offer a job to the widow, Hailat Mutesi, at Parliament starting next week to be able to raise her children following the death of their father.

She urged politicians to always desist from making political statements during burial ceremonies but always wait for the right time to avoid being misjudged by members of the public.

"People might think we as politicians as inhuman because there is time for everything," he said.

The late Ramathan Waiswa was laid to rest at his ancestral home in Butende Village in Ibulanku Subcounty.

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